LibreOffice 24.8 Help
LibreOffice Calc ra afirimalu ganallo doorubba tiranno.
Sase doorubba no. Hanni lawishshunni la'no. Akeeku isipiriideshitte giddo lame shituwa, Shite1 Shitte2 no. Shitte1 giddo bisicco A1 shitte2 C4 bisicco maqishshaati.
Calc A1 - Kuni LibreOffice Calc gadeeti. Maqishshu =$Sheet2.C4ikkanno
Ekiseele A1 - Kuni maakiro Ekiselete gadeti. Maqishshu=Sheet2!C4ikkanno
Ekiseele R1C1 - Kuni haawiittimmate/caccafote teessora, Makiro Ekiseeletenni afamino fiixoomaati. Maqishshu =Sheet2!R[3]C[2]ikkanno
LibreOffice Calc assiishshi su'muwa baadisama dandiitanno. Gadetenni, Buuxote saaxine cufanturo, baadisamme assiishshi su'muwa kaa'litanno. Tini buuxote saaxine buuxamme badisamino assiishshi su'muwa Ingilizete soorrotanno. Tini soorro baalu aantanno dargubba giddo heleelle afidhino: eote nna leellishate, assiishshu kaa'laanchi, nna afirimalu qaccuwa. Badhera badisamino assiishshi su'muwiwa harate buuxa agura dandaatto.
Tini doorote gaamo afirimalki shallagote handaarra giddo badaano qineessate ka'litannohe. Kunino, lawishshaho, assiishshu eishshubbakki ledote malaati (;) darga taxxeessunni bada hasiratto (,)yannara angara daanno.
Lawishshaho, =SUM(A1;B1;C1) darga =SUM(A1,B1,C1)borreessa dandaatto.
Hattono, caccafote nna haawiittimmate badaano giddo-xuruuri dirira soorra dandaatto. Albaanni giddo-xuruuri diri ledote malaatta (;) caccafote badaano gede nna (|) malaate haawiittimmate badaano gede horoonsiranno, ikkinohura danu giddo-xuruuri diri 5 x 2 gede matirkisete dirira la"amanno:
Caccafote badaano taxxeessaho (,) nna haawiittimmate badaano ledote malaatira (;)soorratenni, mittu dani shallagote handaarra mimmito labbanno:
Recalculating formulas can take significant time while loading very large files.
Loading a large spreadsheet file can take a long time. If you don't need to update your large spreadsheet data immediately, you can postpone the recalculation at a better time. LibreOffice allows you to defer recalculation of Excel 2007 (and above) spreadsheets to speedup loading time.
Recent versions of LibreOffice caches spreadsheet formula results into its ODF file. This feature helps LibreOffice to recalculate a large ODF spreadsheet saved by LibreOffice faster.
For ODF spreadsheets saved by other programs, where such cached formula results may not exist, recalculation can be deferred to speedup file loading as with Excel 2007 files.
For the entries above the following choices are possible:
Never recalculate - No formulas will be recalculated on loading the file.
Always recalculate - All formulas will be recalculated on file load.
Prompt user - Prompt user for action.
LibreOffice saved ODF spreadsheets will honor Never recalculate and Always recalculate options.
For large spreadsheets documents, optimal row height calculation depends on the cell contents formatting and also on the result of the conditional formatted formulas. This setting helps to shorten load times by controlling the optimal row height calculation.
Never recalculate - No row height will be recalculated on loading the file.
Always recalculate - All row height will be recalculated on file load.
Prompt user - Prompt user for action.