Shae Gaxa

Shaete Gaxi shaetenni loosate hasiisannohe yannara ikkanno assishsha amadino. Daannohuno wirsa shete giddora qolte milli assatto woyiteeti.


Inserts a new table into the current slide or page.

Icon Insert Table

Insert Table

Xuruuru Akata

Xuruuru akati uduunnichi gaxa fanate tenne bido qiphisi, hakkiino qaccete xuruuri akata soorrate dandaatto dargaati.

Icon Line style

Xuruuru Akata

Farote kuula

Xuruuru kuula bido kisi(faranniha) farote kuuli uduunni gaxa fanate, uduunniha farote kuula soorrate kaa'lannoheho.


Xuruuru kuula(faronniho)


Farote uduunni gaxa fanate faruwate bido kisi, hakkiicho shittete faro woy uduunnicho soorrate dandattowa kisi.

Icon Borders


Dargu Akata / Wonsha

Wonshate dana doodhi loosansate hasi'roottoha dooramino misilshu uduunnicho doodhi.

Bisiccoota Makisi

Combines the contents of the selected cells into a single cell, retaining the formatting of the first cell in the selection.

Icon Merge Cells

Maki Bisicco

Icon Unmerge Cells

Optimize Size

Shaete giddo haawiittimmanna caccafo qineessate ossoote amaddino uduunni gaxa fananno.

Icon Optimize Size

Optimize Size


Aligns the contents of the cell to the top edge of the cell.


Centers the contents of the cell between top and bottom of the cell.


Aligns the contents of the cell to the bottom edge of the cell.

Hawiittimmota surki

Shaete giddo doorshu woroonni mitte woy roore hawiittimmoota surkanno. Hasaawa fanatenni mittu aliidi hawiittimma (Shae - Surki - Hawitimuwa)doori, woy bido kisate albaannimittu aliidi hawittimma dooratenni surka dandaatto. Layinki doogo orijinaale doorantino hawitubba gede mitte hojjanni hawitubba surkate.


Hawiittimma surki

Caccafo Surki

Doorshu gedensaanni mitto woy roore caccafubba shaete giddora surkanno. Hasaawa fanatenni (Shae - Surki - Caccafuba)doori, woy bido kisate albaanni batinye caccafubba dooratenni batinye caccafubba mitte yanna giddo surka dandaatto. Gedeniidi doogo horoonsirittoro,Surkantino caccafo boodunni doorantinote ledo mitte baqo afidhanno.


Caccafo surki

Haawiittaamo xuruura Huni

Shaete giddonni doorantino haawiittimma xuruura(rra) huni.

Icon Delete Rows

Delete Rows

Caccafo Huni

Shaete giddonni doorantino caccafo(caccafoota) huni.

D'oh! You found a bug (text/swriter/00/00000405.xhp#sydelete_columns not found).

Table Design

Opens the Table Design. Double-click a preview to format the table.


Table Design

Shaete Akatta

Specifies the properties of the selected table, for example, fonts, font effects, borders, and background.

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