Fanamme Bortajubba

Noo bortaje fanamme

Aanannohu giddonni mitto loosi:

Fanate hasiratto fayile doori nna Fanikisi.

Leellate kaajjado Fayilla

Fani hasaawi giddo fayillate leella boodu danira kaajjishate dirtotewiinni hasiisannota fayile dana doori. Baala fayilla leellishate Baala fayilla doori.

Wirrisu ofolla

Xaphoomunni, baala bortajubba wirrisunni bortajete hanafo aana fanantino.

One exception appears when the author of a Writer text document saves and reopens a document: The cursor will be at the same position where it has been when the document was saved. This only works when the name of the author was entered in - LibreOffice - User Data.

Press Shift+F5 to set the cursor to the last saved position.

Mullicho Bortaje Fanamme

Margeessu gaxi bido aana haaroo kisi woy Fayile - haaroodoori. Kuni bortajete dani baxxinota bortaje fananno.

Worbicho Haaroo bidonni aaninoha kisittoro, wole bortaje dana doorattohu gidd cinaanchomayino fanantanno.

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