Font Name

Dirtote giddonni borrangichu su'ma doo'ra fajjannohe woy borrangichu su'ma noogedeenni doo'rate.

caccafotenni badantinore baca borrangichuwa eessa dandiinani,$[beerosu'mi] bashsho borrangichuwi afamannokkiro mitto mittonka su'ma guutishshaho horoonsi'ranno.

Ayee dani borrangichi soorro doorantino borrora woy qaali giddo assantannohu, mu'lisaanchu ofollaraati. Miteekke mittente borro doorantinokkiro,borrote assantanno borrangicho attamantannohu gedensaanniiti.

The last five font names that have been selected are shown in the top part of the combo box.


Borranguchu Su'ma

Qaagishshu Bido

In LibreOffice you see the available fonts only if a printer is installed as the default printer in your system. In order to install a printer as the default printer please refer to your operating system documentation.

You can see the name of the fonts formatted in their respective font if you mark the Show preview of fonts field in LibreOffice - View in the Options dialog box.

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