LibreOffice 24.8 Help
Opens the Tab Order dialog so you can modify the order in which control fields get the focus when the user presses the tab key.
Formete miilla bortajete giddora surkantuha ikkiro,LibreOffice umiloosaasinchimmatenni hiittoo garinni mittu qorqorshinni aanannohuwa milleessate Tab qulfe horoonsi'nanniwote gumulanno. Ledantinori baalanti qorqorshshuwi umisiloosaasinchimmanni hurrisu jeefora worantanno.Giggishshote aante hasaawo giddo, hurrisu aante annu annu hasatto garinni sumuu assa dandiinanni.
Qorqorshu mashalaqqishaanchi umisiti gumulantino akatta widoonni qorqorshu hasaawo giddo hasantanno hornyuwa eessatenni xawisa dandiinanni.
Raadoonete ilki gambooshshi giddo afama dandaannohu Tab qulfenni raadoonete qulfuwi mereero mittu "dooramino" widira gaamaminoha ikkirocallaati.Mitenti ilki akeekisaminokki dargira radoonete ilkuwa "doorantino" widira gaamiori nookkiha akeekinsiro, hakkunni gedensaanni horoonsi'raanchu kiiboordetenni mittonka raadoonete ilka afi'ra didandaanno.
Lists all controls in the form. These controls can be selected with the tab key in the given order from top to bottom. Select a control from the Controls list to assign the desired position in the tab order.
Click the Move Up button to shift the selected control one position higher in the tab order.
Click the Move Down button to shift the selected control one position lower in the tab order.
Click the Automatic Sort button to automatically sort the controls according to their position in the document.