
Daatu giggishsho qooli formete ledo xaadanno akatubba xawisanno.

Formete qosi'rora daatu bue woy horoonsi'raanchunni daatu ea dandaannoro gumulanno. Dirinna meemiissi assooti gobbaanni cinaancho-forme kalaqate baalanta hasiissano akatta afi'ra dandaatto.

Tene hajajo injeesate...

Open context menu of a selected form element - choose Form Properties - Data tab.

Open Form Design toolbar, click Form Properties icon - Data tab.


Determines the content to be used for the form. The content can be an existing table or a query (previously created in the database), or it can be defined by an SQL-statement. Before you enter a content you have to define the exact type in Content type.

Amadote dani giddo, "Shae" woy "Xa'mo" dooroottiha ikkiro, saaxine doorantino daatu beeze giddo konni albaanni qinaabbinore baalanta shauwanna xa'muwa dirtanno.

Amadote dana

Daatu bue konni leellanno daati beeze shae woy xa'mo ikkase gumulanno, miteekkite forme SQL assaawe qeinni kalaqantannotero gumulanno.

"Shae" woy "Xa'mo" doodhittoro, forme Amadote giddo xawisootto forme woy xa'mo la'annota ikkitanno. Haaroo xa'mo woy cinaancho forme kalaqa hasi'rittoro,"SQL" doorsho doodha hasiissannohe. Hakkunni gedenssaanni doodhotto xa'mo woy cinaancho forme assaawe SQL xa'mora woycinaancho formera noo gedeenni amadote akatta daati beeze qoolira eessa dandaatto.

Annatto baruwa xaadisanno

If you create a subform, enter the data field of the parent form responsible for the synchronization between parent and subform. To enter multiple values, press Shift + Enter after each input line.

The subform is based on an SQL query; more specifically, on a Parameter Query. If a field name is entered in the Link master fields box, the data contained in that field in the main form is read to a variable that you must enter in Link slave fields. In an appropriate SQL statement, this variable is compared to the table data that the subform refers to. Alternatively, you can enter the column name in the Link master fields box.

Aantanno lawishshuwa ha'runsi:

Forme kaima assidhino daata beeze,lawishshaho, woyyeessaancho daata beeze, woyyeessaanchu daatabeeze ("Woyyeessaancho"), baalantera callicho kiiro daatu bare giddo "Woyyeessi_ID" aamanteennaati. Woyyeessaanote aante gatamarantannohu wole daata beeze shae giddooti. Xa mitte mittenta woyyeessaancho aante la"ate hasi'rattohu formete giddora eessitonsa gedensaanniiti. Konne assate cinaancho forme kalaqa hasiissannohe. Xaadi-annatto baruwi woriidi woyyeessaancho co'o asse leellishanno daati bare woyyeessaanchu daata beezewiinni eessi, hakkuno, woyyeessi_ID. Xaadi soqqamaano baruwi hunda barete daata fajjanno soorramaancho barete daata woyyeessi_ID, lawishshaho, x.

Cinaancho forme shaete giddonni ikkado daata leellisha hasiissannose ("Hajajo") mitte mittente woyyeessaancho ID ra (Woyyeessi_ID -> x). Kuni dandaamannohu mitte mittenti aante addi addisenni diramme aantete daatabeeze giddo baxxino garinni mitte woyyeessaanchora gaamaminorooti. Doodhote garinni, Woyyeessaanchu_ID yaamantannota wole bare horoonsi'ra dandaatto; ikkirono, tini bare qara forme giddo wolootu mimmito labbanno baruwi ledoxaadde joonjoortinotekkiro buuxate bare Woyyeessaanchu_Kiiro yaamante woshshantanno.

Xa woyyeessaanchu-kiiro "Hajajote" shae giddo "woyyeessaanchu" shaera noote woyyeessaanchu -ID ledo heewisiisi, assama dandaannohu hiikkonneeti, lawishshahi,x soorramaancho aantanno SQL assawe fooliishshonni horoonsi'ra:

SELECT * FROM aante WHERE woyyeessaanchu_kiiro =:x (cinaancho forme baalanka daata hajajote shaenni leellishshanno gede)


SELECT Uduunnichu FROM Aante WHERE Woyyeessaanchu_Kiiro =: x (cinaancho forme aantete shae giddonni "Uduunnichu" bare amadino daata calla leellishahera hasi'rittoro)

SQL assaawe fooliishsho daatu bue bare eanno dandaanno, woy kayinni atinni ikkado parameter xa'mo, cinaancho forme kalaqa kaa'litannota.

Daatu bue

Defines the data source to which the form should refer. If you click the ... button, you call the Open dialog, where you can choose a data source.

Datta calla ledi

Determines if the form only allows the addition of new data (Yes) or if it allows other properties as well (No).


Daata calla ledi "Maahoyye" ra qinaawinoha ikkiro, daata soorra woy huna didandaantanno.


Specifies the conditions to sort the data in the form. The specification of the sorting conditions follows SQL rules without the use of the ORDER BY clause. For example, if you want all records of a database to be sorted in one field in an ascending order and in another field in a descending order, enter Forename ASC, Name DESC (presuming Forename and Name are the names of the data fields).

Dooyyishshu Forme Gaxa aana ikkado bido Dirate horoonsisi'raanchi garinni horoonsi'rama dandiitanno: Alillitte Diri, Wororritte Diri, Diri.

Dooyyishshu gaxa

Specifies whether the navigation functions in the lower form bar can be used.

Cinaancho formuwira "Ama Forme" dooro horoonsi'rantino. Cinaancho formera tenne forme doo'rittoro, qara forme maareekko horoonsi're doyissa dandaattohuwirrisu cinaancho forme giddo woramirooti. Cinaancho forme ama forme ledo xaaddinohu 1:1 xaadooshshinniiti, konni daafira milleessa duucha wote assaantannohu ama forme giddooti.


Determines how the navigation should be done using the tab key. Using the tab key, you can move forward in the form. If you simultaneously press the Shift key, the navigation will follow the opposite direction. If you reach the last (or the first) field and press the tab key again, it can have various effects. Define the key control with the following options:




Tini qinaawo umiloosaasinchimmatenni leeltanno daatabeeze doycho xawissanno: Forme daatubeeze xaadooshshe afidhannotero, Giggishshu qulfe, gadetenni, aantannote woy sa'ino suuqo jeefote bare aana hakkiinni fuli soorro jawaachishshanno (Lai Suuqo baala). Daata bezete xaadooshshi nookkiro aanannohu/sainohuforme leeltanno (Xaa qoola lai).

Balaanti maareekkuwa

Tini doodho daatu forme callate loossannotehattonnibaalante maareekko giddoonni dooyyisate horoonsantannote. Giggishshote ilka jeefote bare forme giddonni fulate horoonsi'rittoro, xaa maareekko soorrantanno.

Baqqado maareekko

Tini doodho daatu forme callate loossannote hattonni xaa maareekko giddo dooyyisate horoonsantannote. Giggishshote ilka jeefote bare forme giddonni fulate horoonsi'rittoro, xaa maareekko soorrantanno.

Xaa qoola

Formete qoli jeefonni fulate, wirsaasinchu aantano formera umi qoola sa''anno. Kuni HTML formuwira rosaminoho: konni daafira, tini dooro HTML formuwira ximmoowate.

Huna fajji

Determines if the data can be deleted.

Ledo fajji

Determines if data can be added.


Enter the required conditions for filtering the data in the form. The filter specifications follow SQL rules without using the WHERE clause. For example, if you want to display all records with the "Mike" forename, type into the data field: Forename = 'Mike'. You can also combine conditions: Forename = 'Mike' OR Forename = 'Peter'. All records matching either of these two conditions will be displayed.

-MeemissiMeemiisate assooti horoonsi'raanchu garinni afamannohu formete dooyyishshi gaxi Umikinni aana Gadete Meemiisso Bidora nna Formete dooyyishshi Gaxi giddoonniiti.

SQL hajajo tittiri

Specifies whether the SQL statement is to be analyzed by LibreOffice. If set to Yes, you can click the ... button next to the Content list box. This will open a window where you can graphically create a database query. When you close that window, the SQL statement for the created query will be inserted in the Content list box.

Soorro fajji

Determines if the data can be modified.

Xaadishsha suuqi baruwi

If you create a subform, enter the variable where possible values from the parent form field can be stored. If a subform is based on a query, enter the variable that you defined in the query. If you create a form using an SQL statement entered in the Data source field, enter the variable you used in the statement. You can choose any variable name. If you want to enter multiple values, press Shift + Enter.

Ikkiro, lawishshaho, xaadishshu annatto baruwi hunda badaancho_kiiro daata beeze bare ama bare garinnixawisootto,hakkunni kawa xaadishshi soqqamaano baruwa hunda woyyeessaanchu_kiiro daata beeze bare duunama hasiissannonsawa soorramaanote su'ma xawisa dandaatto. Xa tenne soorramaancho horoonsi're daatu bue saaxine giddo SQL hasaawi fooliishsho xawisittoro aantantanno hornyuwi cinaancho forme giddo leellishamanno.

Cinaancho forme maati?

Formuwu kalaqamannohu daata beezete shaera woy xa'moraati. Kuri formuwi daata la'neenna biife baxisanno garinni leellishanno nna daata eessate woy daata mucceessate horo aana hosa dandaanno.

If you require a form that can refer to the data in a table or query and can additionally display data from another table, you should create a subform. For example, this subform can be a text box that displays the data of another database table.

Cinaancho forme qara formera ledote hanqafamaanchooti.Qara forme "ama forme" woy "qara" yaamante woshshama dandiitanno. Cinaancho forme hasantannohu formetewiinni mitto ale shae forme afi'rate hasi'ranni heedhenniiti.Mitte mittunku ledote shae ise umise forme hasidhanno.

Forme kalaqantu gedensaanni, cinaancho formewidira soorrama dandiitanno.Konne assate, suudisi Gara ei, nna Dooyyoshaancho Forme Fani.Formete dooyyishshanchi giddo, forme bedeedi (cinaancho forme ikkiteemmeta) wole baxxino danitewa (annatto ikka dandiitannootewa).

Bortajekki horoonsi'raanchi forme cinaancho formuwi heedhannoseta di la"anno.Horoonsi'raanchu la'annori daatu einno bortaje callate woy hee'raanchu daati leellanna.

Annootto forme giddo annootto xaadisaancho bare daatu baruwi gumulanno. Cinaancho forme giddo kadantino xaadisaanchi bare annatto xaadisaancho bare amado xaaddannote gede qinaawa dandiitanno.

Horoonsi'ranchu daatu giddonni dooyyisanno wote, forme duucha wote xaa daati maareekko leellishshanno.Xawisantino cinaancho forme heedhuha ikkiro, cinaancho forme amado boode geeshsha taxxi yitu gedensaanni hedotenni 200 ms,gedensaanni fule leellanno.Kuni taxxeessi rahotenni annootto forme giddo daata soroowate injaannohe.Hakko taxxeessi mereero aantanno annootto daati suuqo widira milleessittoro, cinaancho forme daati umame fula nna fule leella dihasantannosi.

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