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When you enter a year using two digits, the corresponding four digit value is determined by a setting in - LibreOffice - General. For example, if 1935 is set as the lower limiting value and you enter 34 as a date value, then the result is 2034 instead of 1934.

Mitte mittente bortaje umi qinaawo horny suuqantinota ikkitanno.

LibreOfficegiddo, dirra shoole dijiitubbanni leellitanno, ikkinohura 1/1/99 nna 1/1/01 mereeri badooshshi lame dirooti. Kuni diri (lame dijiitubba) qineessubba horoonsiraanchulame-dijiite barrubba 2000 ledantino dirra tirate fajjanno. Leellishate, 1/1/30 barra badittoro woy gedenoonni, eo "1/1/20" 1/1/1920. roore 1/1/2020 gede afantino.

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