LibreOffice 25.2 Help
Click to open or close the Drawing bar, where you can add shapes, lines, text, and callouts to the current document.
You can switch on and off the Drawing toolbar of Writer and Calc documents using an icon on the Standard toolbar.
Misilete Assoote leellishshanno
You can change which buttons are visible in the toolbars. Right-click a toolbar to access the Visible Buttons command.
Lets you select objects in the current document. To select an object, click the object with the arrow. To select more than one object, drag a selection frame around the objects. To add an object to a selection, press Shift, and then click the object.
Xuruuru giddora mitte borro eessate, xuruuru aana marro kise ka'e borreessi woy borrokki qa'misi. Borrote ragi xuruura loosattora goshooshootto raga ha'runsanno. Xuruura daheessate, misilete uduunnichi Akatta gaxira xuruuru Akati saaxine giddo Dileellado doori.
Draws a rectangle where you drag in the current document. Click where you want to place a corner of the rectangle, and drag to the size you want. To draw a square, hold down Shift while you drag.
Draws an oval where you drag in the current document. Click where you want to draw the oval, and drag to the size you want. To draw a circle, hold down Shift while you drag.
Suwashsho xuruura hurriso qurda xuruura misilanno. Qurda xuruura misilate goshooshi.Qurdu xuruuri jeefo bikkate kisi, nna hakkunni gedensaanni haarro qurda xuruura misilate goshooshi. Xuruura misila jeefisate marro kisi. Cufancho suude kalaqate, xuruurunnita kaimu naxiwe marro kisi.
Hold the Shift key while drawing a polygon to position new points at 45 degree angles.
The Edit Points mode enables you to interactively modify the individual points of the polygon.
Draws a smooth Bezier curve. Click where you want the curve to start, drag, release, and then move the pointer to where you want the curve to end and click. Move the pointer and click again to add a straight line segment to the curve. Double-click to finish drawing the curve. To create a closed shape, double click the starting point of the curve. The arc of the curve is determined by the distance you drag.
Xaa bortajera goshooshootto basera diriiraforme xuruura misilanno. Xuruura jeefisate, ajichote ilka faccisi. Cufama misilate, xuruuru hanafote naxiwe mule ajote ilka faccisi
Draws an arc in the current document. To draw an arc, drag an oval to the size you want, and then click to define the starting point of the arc. Move your pointer to where you want to place the endpoint and click. You do not need to click on the oval. To draw an arc that is based on a circle, hold down Shift while you drag.
Draws a filled shape that is defined by the arc of an oval and two radius lines in the current document. To draw an ellipse pie, drag an oval to the size you want, and then click to define the first radius line. Move your pointer to where you want to place the second radius line and click. You do not need to click on the oval. To draw a circle pie, hold down Shift while you drag.
Draws a filled shape that is defined by the arc of a circle and a diameter line in the current document. To draw a circle segment, drag a circle to the size you want, and then click to define the starting point of the diameter line. Move your pointer to where you want to place the endpoint of the diameter line and click. You do not need to click on the circle. To draw an ellipse segment, hold down Shift while you drag.
Xaa bortaje giddo shooli midaadi balaqishshonni haawiittaame borro raga wiinni goshooshatto shooli midaadi giddo jeejishamanno balaqisamme xuruura misilanno. Balaqishshu geeshshsa gumulate balaqishshsu kasa goshooshi. Borro ledate balaqishshsu qacce kisi, nna hakkunni kawa borrokki borreessi woy qa'misi. Shooli midaadi belenqe doyichote widira soorrate doyicho beleqishshi shqishi, hala'ladii koornere kasa mu'lisaanchu angate ragira soorramannowote goshooshi.
Xaa bortaje giddo goshooshattowa borro hossimmaraginni shooli midaadi balaqi giddo jeefisamanno xuruura misilanno. Balaqishshu baqo ikkara hasi'ratto geeshsha kasa goshooshi. Borro ledate, balaqishshu qacce kisi, nna hakkunni kawa borrokki borreessi woy qa'misi. Shooli midaadi balaqishsha dooyicho balaqishshsiwidira soorrate, hala'ladiidi koornere mu'lisaanchu angate widira soorramanno wote goshooshi. Afamannohu Asian Afii irko dandaamanturo callaati.
Xaa bortaje giddo kisattowa woy goshooshatto basera hossimmo borro ragi borro saaxine misilanno. Bortajete giddo ikkiwano ikkiro kisi, nna hakkunni kawa borrokki borreessi woy qa'misi. Borro ledate hasi'ratto widira wirsaasincho milleessa dandaatto, borrote saaxine goshooshi, nna hakkunni kawa dandaannohu Asian afii irko dandeessantanno yannara callaati.