Borreessate kaa'lo

Horoonsidhaancho xawinsoonni borqaalla doorte fidale buuxate wodho qineessi.

Tene hajajo injeesate...

From the menu bar:

Choose Tools - Spelling, then click Options.

From the context menu:

Choose Spelling and click Options.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Review - Spelling and click Options.

On the Review menu of the Review tab, choose Spelling and click Options.

From the keyboard:

F7 and click Options.

Horoonsiraanchunni-tirantino qaallate fiche

Lists the available user dictionaries. Mark the user dictionaries that you want to use for spelling and hyphenation.


Opens the New Dictionary dialog, in which you can name a new user-defined dictionary or dictionary of exceptions and specify the language.

Haaroo qaalu fiche

In the Dictionary section you can name a new user-defined dictionary or dictionary of exceptions and specify the language.


Specifies the name of the new custom dictionary. The file extension "*.DIC" is automatically appended.


By selecting a certain language you can limit the use of the custom dictionary. By selecting All the custom dictionary is used independently of the current language.

Gatubba (-)

Specifies whether you wish to avoid certain words in your documents. In this way, you can create a custom dictionary of all the words to be avoided. If this exception dictionary is activated, during spellchecking you receive a corresponding note about any words which should be avoided.


Opens the Edit custom dictionary dialog, in which you can add to your custom dictionary or edit existing entries.

In the Edit Custom Dictionary dialog you have the option to enter new terms or edit existing entries. If you edit an exception dictionary, the dialog has the added facility of defining an exception for a word. During the spellcheck this exception is then listed as a suggestion.

Qaallate feche muccisanturo, buuxo deerru fayile aana loosaantanno. Fayile borrossi-gargaramme ikkituro, soorrama didandiitanno. Haaroo Huni ilkubba jallaagganno.


Specifies the book to be edited.

The List of Ignored Words (All) includes all words that have been marked with Ignore during spellcheck. This list is valid only for the current spellcheck.


The BaalaDirtoHawi eodooramanna muccisama didandiitanno. Qaalla ba'anno amado gede calla ledantanno. Kunino umi-loosaanchinni ayee woteno LibreOffice cufamanno.


Assigns a new language to the current custom dictionary.


You can type a new word for inclusion in the dictionary. In the list below you will see the contents of the current custom dictionary. If you select a word from this list it is displayed in the text field. If you type a word with a trailing = character, such as "AutoComplete=", the word is never automatically hyphenated and no hyphenation is suggested. Typing "Auto=Complete" results in the word being hyphenated, or a hyphenation suggested, where you insert the = sign.

You can use a [] block instead of the = sign to specify character changes before the hyphenation break. Possible character changes: (1) Extra characters, for example tug[g]gumi results the correct hyphenation “tugg- gummi” of the Swedish word “tuggummi”. (2) Character removing specified by a digit, for example paral·[1]lel results correct hyphenation “paral- lel” of the Catalan word “paral·lel”, removing one character before the break point. (3) Both removed and extra characters, for example cafee[2é]tje results correct hyphenation “café- tje” of the Dutch word “cafeetje”, removing two characters before the break point, and adding an extra one.

Replace By or Grammar By

This input field is only available if you are editing an exception dictionary or a language-dependent custom dictionary. In exception dictionaries, the field shows the alternative suggestion for the current word in the "Word" text box. In language-dependent custom dictionaries, the field contains a known root word, as a model of affixation of the new word or its usage in compound words. For example, in a German custom dictionary, the new word “Litschi” (lychee) with the model word “Gummi” (gum) will result recognition of “Litschis” (lychees), “Litschibaum” (lychee tree), “Litschifrucht” (lychee fruit) etc.


Adds the word in the Word text field to your current custom dictionary. The word in the Suggestion field is also added when working with exception dictionaries.


Doorubba fidaletebuuxora nna hawiiccishaho tiranno.


If you want to change a value, select the entry and then click Edit. You will see a dialog for entering a new value.

Jajjabba fidalla qaale buuxi

Fidalete buuxo yannara jawishshi buuxamasi badanno.

Kiirratenni qaalia buuxi.

Kiirranna fidalla amaddino qaalla buuxamansa badanno.

Baxxtino dargubba buuxi

Hakkuri baxxitino dargubba badanno, lawishshaho misilete borro fidalebuuxo yannara buuxantinota.

Fidalsha borreessotto garinni buuxi

Umi-loosaanchinni borreessotto garinni fidalsha buuxanno, sorubba xuruuranno.

Borrote sorubba hundaanni duumu xuruurinni malaatisantanno. Wirrisa konni garinni malaatisamino qaali aana wortoro, taashshuwate dirto afirate eigaru mayino fana dandaatto. Qaale riqiwate taashsho doori. Bortajete muccisamme geeshsha wirro wole soro loosittoro, qolenni sorote gede malaatisamanno.

Qaalu waaxo AutoCorrect riqiwote shae giddoworate, AutoCorrect eigaru mayino fani nna AutoCorrectdoori. Doorshu cinaanchomayinuwi ikkasi buuxi. Qaalu riqiwamino nna hatte yannankura qaalu waaxo riqiwammete giddo ofoltino.

Hawiicishshaho fikiimmate shiimiidi kiiro

Specifies the minimum number of characters required for automatic hyphenation to be applied.

Xuruuru tao albiidi fikiimoota

Sets the minimum number of characters of the word to be hyphenated that must remain at the end of the line.

Xuruuru taogedeniidi fikiimoota

Specifies the minimum number of characters of a hyphenated word required at the next line.

Qarru nookkiha hawiiccishi

Angate hawiiiccishsha xa'ma nookki garinnibadanno. Bare malaatisama hoogguro, qaalu eote bicammera hasaawu shiqishate diegensiisannohe.

Baxxtino dargubba hawiiccishi

Qoleno hawiiccishu lekkaalli gaaggubbara, umaalluwate nna lekkaalluwateharannota badanno.

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