You can change or break each link to external files in the current document. You can also update the content of the current file to the most recently saved version of linked external file. This command does not apply to hyperlinks, and is not available if the current document does not contain links to other files.

This command can be used with external file links to images and OLE objects (when inserted with a link to an external file).

Tene hajajo injeesate...

From the menu bar:

Source file

Lists the path to the source file. If the path defines a DDE link, relative paths must be preceded with "file:".

Double-click a link in the list to open a file dialog where you can select another object for this link.


Lists the application (if known) that last saved the source file.


Lists the file type, such as graphic, of the source file.


Lists additional information about the source file.


Automatically updates the contents of the link when you open the file. Any changes made in the source file are then displayed in the file containing the link. Linked graphic files can only be updated manually. This option is not available for a linked graphic file.

The Automatic option is only available for DDE links. You can insert a DDE link by copying the contents from one file and pasting by choosing Edit - Paste Special, and then selecting the Link box. As DDE is a text based linking system, only the displayed decimals are copied into the target sheet.


Only updates the link when you click the Update button.


Change the source file for the selected link.

Break Link

Breaks the link between the source file and the current document. The most recently updated contents of the source file are kept in the current document.


Updates the selected link so that the most recently saved version of the linked file is displayed in the current document.


Hasaawa cufe baala sooro suuqi.


When you open a file that contains links, you are prompted to update the links. Depending on where the linked files are stored, the update process can take several minutes to complete.


If you are loading a file that contains DDE links, you are prompted to update the links. Decline the update if you do not want to establish a connection to the DDE server.


Links to remote locations can be constructed that transmit local data to the remote server. Decline the prompt to update if you do not trust the document.

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