LibreOffice 24.8 Help
Tini kifile LibreOffice Misile giddo shiqqino uduunnigaxubba aaniillacha shiqishshanno.
Tini lao LibreOfficete udiinugaxi qinoo gade xawisano.
Xuruuranna Wonshinanni Gaxi xaa illachi aana loosiisa dandaatto hajajonna doorsha amadino.
Shaete Gaxi shaetenni loosate hasiisannohe yannara ikkanno assishsha amadino. Daannohuno wirsa shete giddora qolte milli assatto woyiteeti.
Use the Image bar to set the color, contrast, and brightness options for the selected graphic object(s).
The Edit Points Bar appears when you select a polygon object and click Edit Points.
Uyinoonni assishshi gomboowunnita naxibba muccishatto gede woy uduunnichu gomboowaho galchamanno gede assatto fajjannohe.
Show or hide the Color bar. To modify or change the color table that is displayed, choose Format - Area, and then click on the Colors tab.
Deerri Gaxa bortajekkire mashalaqqe leellishanno, ledeno muli kawa dooramino uduunnichi mashalaqqeno hatto. Fiixoontanno hasaawi xullaallo fanate mite mite deerru gaxi dana lameegge qiphisate dandaatto.
Borraangichiloosi uduunnicho fanatto woyite Borraangichiloosi uduunni-gaxi fanamanno.