Chaartete Dani kuuso

On the first page of the Chart Wizard you can choose a chart type.

Tene hajajo injeesate...

Choose Insert - Chart...

Icon Insert Chart

Insert Chart


Donu chaarte xawisanohu xawu waagini, dirino waagini, jawu waagininna cufu waagi dikko rosichini aamamino. Soorrishshu hala'linyi leela dandiino.

Donu chaartera daatu hoodisame aante hasiisanote. Daatu eelaanni leelinshooni shae garini biddeessaminno.








Soorrishshu hala'lisha

Fano hira

Dirino (hundi waaga)

Jawa (birxete waaga)

Cufo waaga




































Fani, dirado, kaima, nna cufate hornya chaartete haawitaama mittu daati kifile miteenni ijaaramenoha. Donu waagi daati hoodisame hakoni daati kifile amadinoha batinye amadino. Caccafo doorote layiinki daati hoodisame qaafo hala'linye amadanno.

Doorantino sooramaanora irki're, baala caccafo dihasi'rato.

Donu chaarte sooramaano

Choose the Stock chart type on the first page of the Chart Wizard. Then select one of the four variants.

Dana 1

Based on low and high column the Type 1 shows the distance between bottom price (low) and top price (high) by a vertical line.

Based on low, high, and close column Type 1 shows an additional horizontal mark for the closing price.

Dana 2

Kaimini fani, dira, ka'a, nna cufi caccafote dana 2 rosaminoha "kaandile stiike" chaarte fincanno. Danu 2 hundinna jawu waagi mereero rekitaangile albaani lede hosicha xuruura misilsano, hakuno xawunna cufo waaji mereero hakigeesho leelishanno. Rekitaangilete kisitoro deeru gaxira roore mashalaqe la'ato. LibreOffice goti assate hornyira ( xawu waaji cufo waagini ajano )nna uwate hornya horoonsire babbaxino kuula wonshate.

Dana 3

Kaimu hala'linye, dirro, kao, nna cufi caccafote chaarte dani 3 chaartete dani 1 labe misilantano, soorrishshu hala'linyira ledote caccafo ledo.

Dana 4

Baalu ontu daati caccafora rumuxe hala'linye, fani, dirro, kao, nna cufi, Dana 4 chaartete dani 2 soorrishshu hala'linyi ledo gamba asinno.

Korkaatu qaafote hala'linyi bikkame "yuniite" ikkitano, layiinkihu y daabi chaartete dani 3 nna dana 4 egenaminno. Waagu daabi qiniiti midaadiranna hala'linyu daabi gura midaadira leelanno.

Daatu buicho qineeso

Chaarte umise daatira rumuxitino

To change the data series of a chart having its own data, choose Chart Data Table from the View menu or from the context menu of the chart in edit mode.

Duwantino chaarte daati shaeni, daatu hoodisame duuchwayite caccafote uurinshitanno.

For a new stock chart first use a column chart. Add the columns you need and enter your data in the order which is shown in the example, omitting any columns not required for the desired variant. Use Move Series Right to change the column order. Close the chart data table. Now use the Chart Type dialog to change to the stock chart variant.

Donu chaarte afirtoronna sooramaano soorate hasirtoro, umo caccafote chaartera chaartete dana soori, caccafo ledi woy huni hakuno sooramaanote qixxote, nna hakiini donu chaartera chaartete dana badhera soori.

Haawitaamoho daatu hoodisame su'ma borresitooti. Qeechu su'mira imaani su'ma barete qolte borreesi.

Haawitaamu aante hedantanohu chaartete fuulu hiitoke biddisaminorooti. Aante soorate haawitaama eelira shirisa ho'roonsiri.

Calc chaartete kaimi woy borreesaanchu shae

You can choose or alter a data range on the second page of the Chart Wizard or in the Data Range dialog. For fine tuning use the Data Series dialog.

Harunsinohuni mitto loosate daatu hakigeesho badate:

  1. Borrote saaxinera daatu hakigeesho eesi.

    Calc, lawishshu daati hakigeesho "$Sheet1.$B$3:$B$14". Qaagishaho ispiriidshitete daatu hakigeesho mittete aliidi qoqowo amadino, l.w. "$Sheet1.A1:A5;$Sheet1.D1:D5" addimmo daati hakigeeshoti. Borreessanchoho, lawishshu daati hakigeesho "Table1.A1:E4".

    Fafa fafe ganallo ditaaltino, LibreOffice duume borro leelishanno.

  1. In Calc, click Select data range to minimize the dialog, then drag to select the data range. When you release the mouse, the data are entered. Click Select data range again to add a data range. In the input field of the minimized dialog, click after the entry and type a semicolon. Then drag to select the next range.

Hawitaamaho woy caccafote daatu hoodisamera mitte dooro kisi.

Donu chaarte daatiki "caccafote", haawitaamaho mashalaqe mittu gari "kaandile siqora" gaamantanno.

Shaete kaimi doni chaarte daatu hakigeesho huuro xinbiiwate

You can organize data series and edit the source for parts of single data series on the third page of the Chart Wizard or on the page Data Series in the Data Range dialog.

Daatu hoodisame uurinsha

Giddo daatu hoodisame gura midaadi hasaawi dargi, halaalu chaarte daatu hoodisame gamba asa dandaato. Donu chaartera waaga amadinohu ajaa aje mittu daati hoodisame noosi. Qaafote hala'linyira layiinki daati hoodisame heedhare dandaano.

Mittu waagi roore daati hoodisame hafi'ritoro, insano aansate Alinna Woro worbichi ilka horoonsi'ri. Chaartete aante biddisame kultano. Hala'linyu daati hoodisamera mitto gara loosanno. Waaganna daatu hala'linyi hoodisame soora didandaato.

Daatu hoodisame hoolate, dirtote daatu hoodisame doorte kisi Hooli.

Daatu hoodisame ledate, mitto fulote daati hoodisame doorte kisi Leddi. Dooraminohura worooni fano eo afirtoro, mittu gari dani nooho. Waagu daati hoodisame hooguhero woy hala'linyu daati hoodisame hooguro, tinni hoodisame Daatu hakigeesho hasaawira hakigeesho umo horo doori.

Daatu hakigeesho qineesa

Gido Daatu Hakigeesho qineesote hasaawi woy dooramino daati hoodisame mitto mitto ganaasine daati hakigeesho soori.

Aliidi dirtora ganaasinetenna xaa hornyi qeechi su'ma la'ato. Qeechaho doorame noohe, dirtote worooni borrote saaxinera hornya soora dandaato. Somo dooramino qeecha leelishano.

Hakigeesho borrote saaxinera eesi woy Daatu hakigeesho doori hasaawa ajishatenna hakigeesho maausete ledo doorate kisi.

Fa'namino hornya doori, hornya cufi, kaima hornya, nna ayee aantera dirino hornya. Donu chaarte doorantino sooramaanora hasi'ratoha hako qeechira hakigeesho calla titiri. Shaete hasiisano hakigeesho mimitoho diaantinno.


Umi haawitaaminni somo fichishaancho leelisha woy caccafo woy adi hakigeeshonni qineesa Daatu hoodisame hasaawa. Chaarteki somo amada hooguro, fichishaanchu borro leelisha "Haawitaama 1, Haawitaama 2, ...", woy "caccafo A, Caccafo B, ..." haawitaamu kiiro garini woy chaartete daati caccafo fidalenni.

Hakigeeshoteni fichishaanchu hornya leelishano, gido eesate Su'maho Hakigeesho bare Daatu Hakigeesho hasaawa. Gadete eo cufate waagi caccafo umaalli caccafooti.

Mitto ofolate dooro doori. chaarte goofuro, suudammete mayino ho'roonsidhe wole ofola titira dandaato.

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