LibreOffice 24.8 Help
Heellicho shae giddo mitto ilka qiphisse ajote ilka wororricho amadi. Ajote mu'lisaancho aane addi malaati leellanno.
Handaricho haawittimma giddo ilka babbaxxino dargi wido goshooshatnni caccafuwate aante soorra dandaatto. Haawiittimmate umaalluwa darga ilka shaete gura qacce wido goshooshittoro, caccafo haawiittimmate wido soorra dandaatto.
In the Pivot Table dialog, you can drag a button to the Filters area to create a button and a listbox on top of the pivot table. The listbox can be used to filter the pivot table by the contents of the selected item. You can use drag-and-drop within the pivot table to use another page field as a filter.
Ilka shaete giddonni hunate, heelliicho shae gidonni gobba qolte goshooshi. Shittete aana worooto ajote mu'lisaanchi 'difajjinanni' bido leellishiro ajote ilka faccisi. Ilku ba'anno.
To edit the pivot table, click a cell inside the pivot table and open the context menu. In the context menu you find the command Properties, which displays the Pivot Table Layout dialog for the current pivot table.
Heelliicho shae giddo daatu bare aante marbiddeesste goshooshshe wori woy muri/qa'misi hajajo horonsi'ra dandaatto.
Barete woyyado leellado su'muwa, barete miilla, cinaancho ledo, hattono heelliicho sha'a giddo lowo ledo gaama dandaatto. Woyyado leellado su'ma orijinaale su'ma wolu su'mi aana hune woratenni danaho gaama dandaatto.