Solver Algorithms Options

DEPS Evolutionary Algorithm

DEPS consists of two independent algorithms: Differential Evolution and Particle Swarm Optimization. Both are especially suited for numerical problems, such as nonlinear optimization, and are complementary to each other in that they even out each other’s shortcomings.



Lekisaancho Xaadishshu Bikka

Baxxino dunka soorro isitiraateje dooratemitto mittonko ikkito badanno.

Assume variables as non negative

Mark to force variables to be positive only.

DE: Masiqalutiraanchi ikkito

Defines the probability of the individual being combined with the globally best point. If crossover is not used, the point is assembled from the own memory of the individual.

DE: Bikkote Uduuunnicho

Masiqalutiraanchi yannara, bikkote uduunnichi “rankete” millimmo gumulanno.

Rosate doyicho

Defines the number of iterations, the algorithm should take. In each iteration, all individuals make a guess on the best solution and share their knowledge.

PS: Tiiaancho Hegeraamo

Sets the importance of the own memory (in particular the best reached point so far).

PS: Ruukkammete Batisaanchi

Defines the speed at which the particles/individuals move towards each other.

PS: Gutu ikkito

Defines the probability, that instead of moving a component of the particle towards the best point, it randomly chooses a new value from the valid range for that variable.

PS: dagoomittete Hegeraamo

Sets the importance of the global best point between all particles/individuals.

Show Enhanced Solver Status

If enabled, an additional dialog is shown during the solving process which gives information about the current progress, the level of stagnation, the currently best known solution as well as the possibility, to stop or resume the solver.

Size of Swarm

Defines the number of individuals to participate in the learning process. Each individual finds its own solutions and contributes to the overall knowledge.

Stagnation Limit

If this number of individuals found solutions within a close range, the iteration is stopped and the best of these values is chosen as optimal.

Stagnation Tolerance

Defines in what range solutions are considered “similar”.

Use ACR Comparator

Konne dandiiweelo (gadetenni), BCH Heewisaanchi kaa'lanno. Mitiimmansa xe'ne la"atenni umo lamu babbaxitinore heewisiisanno, insatano xaa tiro bikkanno.

dandeesamihaikkkiro, ACRHeewisiisaancho horoonsiranno. Xaa hanafora irkidhinore lame babbaxitinore heewisiisanno nnainsata danchummansaegennotenni pirogiraamete bunshe anfoonni tiro (mitiimmansa xe'ne kaiminni)bikkanno.

Hedeweelcho hanafote bixxille horoonsiri

Konnedandeessamihaikkiro, pirogiraame shotu garinni hedeweelcho doorantino bixxilluwanni wo'mitanno.

Konne dandiiweelihaikkiro, xaati muli hornyuwa (horoonsiraanchu garinni aamantinoti) pirogiraamete giddo maqishshu bixille garinni surkantino.

Variable Bounds Guessing

If enabled (default), the algorithm tries to find variable bounds by looking at the starting values.

Variable Bounds Threshold

When guessing variable bounds, this threshold specifies, how the initial values are shifted to build the bounds. For an example how these values are calculated, please refer to the Manual in the Wiki.

SCO Evolutionary Algorithm

Social Cognitive Optimization takes into account the human behavior of learning and sharing information. Each individual has access to a common library with knowledge shared between all individuals.



Assume variables as non negative

Mark to force variables to be positive only.

Rosate doyicho

Defines the number of iterations, the algorithm should take. In each iteration, all individuals make a guess on the best solution and share their knowledge.

Show Enhanced Solver Status

If enabled, an additional dialog is shown during the solving process which gives information about the current progress, the level of stagnation, the currently best known solution as well as the possibility, to stop or resume the solver.

Laabireerete baqo

Defines the amount of information to store in the public library. Each individual stores knowledge there and asks for information.

Size of Swarm

Defines the number of individuals to participate in the learning process. Each individual finds its own solutions and contributes to the overall knowledge.

Stagnation Limit

If this number of individuals found solutions within a close range, the iteration is stopped and the best of these values is chosen as optimal.

Stagnation Tolerance

Defines in what range solutions are considered “similar”.

Use ACR Comparator

Konne dandiiweelo (gadetenni), BCH Heewisaanchi kaa'lanno. Mitiimmansa xe'ne la"atenni umo lamu babbaxitinore heewisiisanno, insatano xaa tiro bikkanno.

dandeesamihaikkkiro, ACRHeewisiisaancho horoonsiranno. Xaa hanafora irkidhinore lame babbaxitinore heewisiisanno nnainsata danchummansaegennotenni pirogiraamete bunshe anfoonni tiro (mitiimmansa xe'ne kaiminni)bikkanno.

Variable Bounds Guessing

If enabled (default), the algorithm tries to find variable bounds by looking at the starting values.

Variable Bounds Threshold

When guessing variable bounds, this threshold specifies, how the initial values are shifted to build the bounds. For an example how these values are calculated, please refer to the Manual in the Wiki.

LibreOffice Linear Solver and CoinMP Linear solver



Assume variables as integers

Mark to force variables to be integers only.

Assume variables as non negative

Mark to force variables to be positive only.

Epsilon level

Epsilon level. Valid values are in range 0 (very tight) to 3 (very loose). Epsilon is the tolerance for rounding values to zero.

Sinanna-qarqara muri

Specifies the maximum branch-and-bound depth. A positive value means that the depth is absolute. A negative value means a relative branch-and-bound depth limit.

Solver time limit

Sets the maximum time for the algorithm to converge to a solution.

LibreOffice Swarm Non-Linear Solver (Experimental)



Assume variables as integers

Mark to force variables to be integers only.

Assume variables as non negative

Mark to force variables to be positive only.

Solver time limit

Sets the maximum time for the algorithm to converge to a solution.

Swarm algorithm

Set the swarm algorithm. 0 for differential evolution and 1 for particle swarm optimization. Default is 0.

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