1ki, 2ki, 3ki Gaamo

Sase cinaancho xaphoomi gaamubbara qineessota badanno. Mittu mittunku gaxi mittu dani ofolla afirino.

Tene hajajo injeesate...

From the menu bar:

Choose Data - Subtotals - 1st, 2nd, 3rd Group tabs.

From the tabbed interface:

On the Data menu of the Data tab, choose Subtotals - 1st, 2nd or 3rd Group tabs.

Nni gaami

Cinaancho xaphoomi shallagote harinsho qorqoratehasiratto caccafo dooranno. Doorantino caccafo amadubba soorranturo, Cinaancho xaphoomubbaumi loosaanchinni wirro higge shallagantanno.

Cinaancho xaphoomubbara shallaga

Cinaancho xaphoomisha hornyuwa amaddino caccafo(ta) doori.

Assiishsha horoonsiri

Cinaancho xaphoomubba shallagate horoonsira hasirattoha shallagote assiishsha doori.

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