LibreOffice 25.2 Help
Shittekki giddo doorantino bisiccuwa kaiminni daatubeeze hakka geeshsha tiranno.
Shooli midaadu bisicco hakka geeshsha calla doora dandaatto.
Tira hasiratto daatubeeze hakka geeshshira su'ma ei, woy noo su'ma dirtotewiinni doori.
Doorantino bisicco hakka geeshsha leellishanno.
Doorantino bisicco hakka geeshshadaatubeeze hakka geeshshi dirtora ledanno, woy noo daatubeeze hakka geeshsha soorranno.
Doorantino somaasinchuwa bisiccote hakka geeshshuwa.
The database range has a row for totals.
Automatically inserts new rows and columns into the database range in your document when new records are added to the database. To manually update the database range, choose Data - Refresh Range.
Umalluwanniha noo bisicco suudishsha nna umi daaatu haawiittimma wo'ma daatubeeze hakka geeshshira loosiisanno.
Bisiccuwate amaddubba ikkinni, maqishshu calla daatubeezera suuqamino.
Muli daatubeezubbre nna ayee noo loosaasinere taje leellishanno.
Denotes what operations (if any) have been applied to the database range. For example, “Sort”, “Filter”, or “Subtotals”.