LibreOffice 25.2 Help
Batinye bisicco hakka geeshshuwaumi loosaanchinni su'mattora fajjannohe.
Select the area containing all the ranges that you want to name. Then choose Sheet - Named Ranges and Expressions - Create. This opens the Create Names dialog, from which you can select the naming options that you want.
Isipiridishittennihu hiikku bisi su'ma kalaqate kaa'lannoro tiranno.
Creates the range names from the header row of the selected range. Each column receives a separated name and cell reference.
Creates the range names from the entries in the first column of the selected sheet range. Each row receives a separated name and cell reference.
Creates the range names from the entries in the last row of the selected sheet range. Each column receives a separated name and cell reference.
Creates the range names from the entries in the last column of the selected sheet range. Each row receives a separated name and cell reference.