LibreOffice 25.2 Help
Akeeku mereerimi kaiminni malaattanniha shooli midaaddu ledo qolanno.
DEVSQ(Number 1 [; Number 2 [; … [; Number 255]]])
Noo x nna y hornyuwa kaiminnialbbillicho hornyuwa hedanno.
FORECAST(Hornyo; DataY; DataX)
Value is the x value, for which the y value on the linear regression is to be returned.
DataY afantino y dira woy hornyooti.
DataY afantino x dira woy hornyooti.
=FORECAST(50;A1:A50;B1;B50) returns the Y value expected for the X value of 50 if the X and Y values in both references are linked by a linear trend.
Noo x nna y hornyuwa kaiminnialbbillicho hornyuwa hedanno.
Value is the x value, for which the y value on the linear regression is to be returned.
DataY afantino y dira woy hornyooti.
DataY afantino x dira woy hornyooti.
=FORECAST.LINEAR(50;A1:A50;B1;B50) returns the Y value expected for the X value of 50 if the X and Y values in both references are linked by a linear trend.
Margeessaho rosamino tuqishshi assiishsha qolanno. Tuqishshu zeero mereerima nna mitto margeessu malaate afirino.
GAUSS(x)=NORMSDIST(x)-0.5 ikkanno
Number is the value to which the standard normal cumulative distribution is calculated.
=NORMSDIST(1) returns 0.84. The area below the standard normal distribution curve to the left of X value 1 is 84% of the total area.
Margeessaho rosamino tuqishshi assiishsha qolanno. Tuqishshu zeero mereerima nna mitto margeessu malaate afirino.
NORM.S.DIST(Number; Cumulative)
Number is the value to which the standard normal cumulative distribution is calculated.
Cumulative 0 or FALSE calculates the probability density function. Any other value or TRUE calculates the cumulative distribution function.
=NORM.S.DIST(1;0) returns 0.2419707245.
=NORM.S.DIST(1;1) returns 0.8413447461. The area below the standard normal distribution curve to the left of X value 1 is 84% of the total area.
margeessu rosamino xaphoomi tuqishshi galchamme qolanno.
Kiiro ikkanna hoongete hornya ikkite margeessu shallago tuqishshi galchamme shallagama noose.
=LOGINV(0.05;0;1) 0.19 qolanno.
margeessu rosamino xaphoomi tuqishshi galchamme qolanno.
Kiiro ikkanna hoongete hornya ikkite margeessu shallago tuqishshi galchamme shallagama noose.
=LOGINV(0.05;0;1) 0.19 qolanno.
Uduunneho aamantino kiirora darga soorrante ofoltino kiiro qolanno.
PERMUT(Kiiro1; Kiiro2)
Kiiro1 uduunneho xaphooma kiirooti.
Count2 is the number of objects in each permutation.
=PERMUT(6;3) returns 120. There are 120 different possibilities, to pick a sequence of 3 playing cards out of 6 playing cards.
Uduunneho aamantino kiirora darga soorrante ofoltino kiiro qolanno (marro higa fajjinanni).
PERMUTATIONA(Kiiro1; Kiiro2)
Kiiro1 uduunneho xaphooma kiirooti.
Count2 is the number of objects in each permutation.
Xaphooma 11 uduunni giddonni 2 uduunne doorate hiittoonni dandiinanni?
=PERMUTATIONA(11;2) 121 qolanno.
=PERMUTATIONA(6;3) returns 216. There are 216 different possibilities to put a sequence of 3 playing cards together out of six playing cards if every card is returned before the next one is drawn.
Hakkageeshshuwute giddo hornyuwa lame gumulaano meereero kaayyo qolanno.Goofimarchu hornyo hoogguha ikkiro, Kuni assiishshi wodhote kaiminni daatu hornyuwa taaloho Hanafote hornyonni kaayyote hornyuwa shallaganno.
PROB(Data; Probability; Start [; End])
Daata akeeku giddo daatu diraati.
Probability is the array or range of the corresponding probabilities.
Start is the start value of the interval whose probabilities are to be summed.
End (optional) is the end value of the interval whose probabilities are to be summed. If this parameter is missing, the probability for the Start value is calculated.
=PROB(A1:A50;B1:B50;50;60) returns the probability with which a value within the range of A1:A50 is also within the limits between 50 and 60. Every value within the range of A1:A50 has a probability within the range of B1:B50.
Akeeku giddo kiirote deerra qolanno.
RANK(Value; Data [; Type])
Kiiro malaatise gumulamino kiirooti.
Daata akeeku giddo daatu diraati.
Dana (doorsha) aantete taraati.
Danu = 1 yaa diraho uminni gofimarchu aanteet.
Danu = 1 yaa diraho uminni gofimarchu aanteet.
=RANK(A10;A1:A50) returns the ranking of the value in A10 in value range A1:A50. If Value does not exist within the range an error message is displayed.
Returns the statistical rank of a given value, within a supplied array of values. If there are duplicate values in the list, the average rank is returned.
The difference between RANK.AVG and RANK.EQ occurs when there are duplicates in the list of values. The RANK.EQ function returns the lower rank, whereas the RANK.AVG function returns the average rank.
RANK.AVG(Value; Data [; Type])
Kiiro malaatise gumulamino kiirooti.
Daata akeeku giddo daatu diraati.
Dana (doorsha) aantete taraati.
Danu = 1 yaa diraho uminni gofimarchu aanteet.
Danu = 1 yaa diraho uminni gofimarchu aanteet.
=RANK.AVG(A10;A1:A50) returns the ranking of the value in A10 in value range A1:A50. If Value does not exist within the range an error message is displayed.
Returns the statistical rank of a given value, within a supplied array of values. If there are duplicate values in the list, these are given the same rank.
The difference between RANK.AVG and RANK.EQ occurs when there are duplicates in the list of values. The RANK.EQ function returns the lower rank, whereas the RANK.AVG function returns the average rank.
RANK.EQ(Value; Data [; Type])
Kiiro malaatise gumulamino kiirooti.
Daata akeeku giddo daatu diraati.
Dana (doorsha) aantete taraati.
Danu = 1 yaa diraho uminni gofimarchu aanteet.
Danu = 1 yaa diraho uminni gofimarchu aanteet.
=RANK.EQ(A10;A1:A50) returns the ranking of the value in A10 in value range A1:A50. If Value does not exist within the range an error message is displayed.
Tuqishshunniha ragu soorramme qolanno.
SKEW(Number 1 [; Number 2 [; … [; Number 255]]])
The parameters should specify at least three values.
=SKEW(A1:A50) calculates the value of skew for the data referenced.
Simiidi noowa higino xuruuri baga qolanno. Baga y nna x hornyuwa giddo daatu bixxilluwa qinoonni fiixoontino.
SLOPE(DataY; DataX)
DataY Y daati diraati woy dirantino kiirooti.
DataX X daati diraati woy dirantino kiirooti.
akeeku soorramaancho rosammete hornyora soorranno.
STANDARDIZE(Kiiro; Mereerima; StDev)
Kiiro hornyu deerra agara noosi.
Mean is the arithmetic mean of the distribution.
StDev xaphoomu dagata margeessu uurrooti.
=STANDARDIZE(11;10;1) returns 1. The value 11 in a normal distribution with a mean of 10 and a standard deviation of 1 is as much above the mean of 10, as the value 1 is above the mean of the standard normal distribution.
Akeeku kaiminni margeessu malaate hedanno.
STDEV(Number 1 [; Number 2 [; … [; Number 255]]])
The parameters should specify at least two values.
=STDEV(A1:A50) returns the estimated standard deviation based on the data referenced.
Akeeku kaiminni hedamme margeessu malaate shallaganno.
STDEVA(Number 1 [; Number 2 [; … [; Number 255]]])
The parameters should specify at least two values. Text has the value 0.
=STDEVA(A1:A50) returns the estimated standard deviation based on the data referenced.
giddo daga kaiminni margeessu malaate shallaganno.
STDEVP(Number 1 [; Number 2 [; … [; Number 255]]])
=STDEVP(A1:A50) returns a standard deviation of the data referenced.
giddo daga kaiminni margeessu malaate shallaganno.
STDEV.P(Number 1 [; Number 2 [; … [; Number 255]]])
=STDEV.P(A1:A50) returns a standard deviation of the data referenced.
giddo daga kaiminni margeessu malaate shallaganno.
STDEV.S(Number 1 [; Number 2 [; … [; Number 255]]])
The parameters should specify at least two values.
=STDEV.S(A1:A50) returns a standard deviation of the data referenced.
giddo daga kaiminni margeessu malaate shallaganno.
STDEVPA(Number 1 [; Number 2 [; … [; Number 255]]])
Text has the value 0.
=STDEVPA(A1:A50) returns the standard deviation of the data referenced.
Himanatino Y hornyo mittu mittunku noowa higgino x giddo margeessu so'ro qolanno.
STEYX(DataY; DataX)
DataY Y daati diraati woy dirantino kiirooti.
DataX X daati diraati woy dirantino kiirooti.
Calculates the two-tailed Student's T Distribution, which is a continuous probability distribution that is frequently used for testing hypotheses on small sample data sets.
CHIDIST(Kiiro; DegreesFreedom)
X assiishshu shallagama noosi hornyooti.
DegreesFreedom is the number of degrees of freedom for the t-distribution.
=T.DIST.2T(1; 10) returns 0.3408931323.
Calculates the right-tailed Student's T Distribution, which is a continuous probability distribution that is frequently used for testing hypotheses on small sample data sets.
CHIDIST(Kiiro; DegreesFreedom)
X assiishshu shallagama noosi hornyooti.
DegreesFreedom is the number of degrees of freedom for the t-distribution.
=T.DIST.RT(1; 10) returns 0.1704465662.
Calculates the inverse of the two-tailed Student's T Distribution , which is a continuous probability distribution that is frequently used for testing hypotheses on small sample data sets.
TINV(Kiiro; DegreesFreedom)
Number is the probability associated with the two-tailed t-distribution.
DegreesFreedom is the number of degrees of freedom for the t-distribution.
=T.INV.2T(0.25; 10) returns 1.221255395.
T-tuqishsha qolanno.
TDIST(Kiiro; DegreesFreedom; Gara)
X assiishshu shallagama noosi hornyooti.
DegreesFreedom is the number of degrees of freedom for the t-distribution.
Mode = 1 returns the one-tailed test, Mode = 2 returns the two-tailed test.
T-tuqishsha qolanno.
CHISQDIST(Kiiro; Keeraanchimmate Digirra; Xaphishsha)
X assiishshu shallagama noosi hornyooti.
DegreesFreedom is the number of degrees of freedom for the t-distribution.
Cumulative = 0 or FALSE returns the probability density function, 1 or TRUE returns the cumulative distribution function.
=T.DIST(1; 10; TRUE) returns 0.8295534338
t-tuqishshi galchamme qolanno.
TINV(Kiiro; DegreesFreedom)
Number is the probability associated with the two-tailed t-distribution.
DegreesFreedom is the number of degrees of freedom for the t-distribution.
=INT(5.7) 5 qolanno.
t-tuqishshi galchamme qolanno.
TINV(Kiiro; DegreesFreedom)
Number is the probability associated with the one-tailed t-distribution.
DegreesFreedom is the number of degrees of freedom for the t-distribution.
=INT(5.7) 5 qolanno.
Rosaanonnita t-wo'naalshi ledo ollaa ikkitino kaayyo qolanno.
TTEST(Daata1; Daata2; Gara; Dana)
Data1 is the dependent array or range of data for the first record.
Data2 is the dependent array or range of data for the second record.
Mode = 1 calculates the one-tailed test, Mode = 2 the two- tailed test.
Type is the kind of t-test to perform. Type 1 means paired. Type 2 means two samples, equal variance (homoscedastic). Type 3 means two samples, unequal variance (heteroscedastic).
Rosaanonnita t-wo'naalshi ledo ollaa ikkitino kaayyo qolanno.
TTEST(Daata1; Daata2; Gara; Dana)
Data1 is the dependent array or range of data for the first record.
Data2 is the dependent array or range of data for the second record.
Mode = 1 calculates the one-tailed test, Mode = 2 the two- tailed test.
Type is the kind of t-test to perform. Type 1 means paired. Type 2 means two samples, equal variance (homoscedastic). Type 3 means two samples, unequal variance (heteroscedastic).
Akeeku kaiminni badooshshe hedanno.
VAR(Number 1 [; Number 2 [; … [; Number 255]]])
The parameters should specify at least two values.
Akeeku kaiminni badooshshe hedanno. Borrote hornyi 0
VARA(Number 1 [; Number 2 [; … [; Number 255]]])
The parameters should specify at least two values.
Akeeku kaiminni badooshshe hedanno.
VAR.S(Number 1 [; Number 2 [; … [; Number 255]]])
The parameters should specify at least two values.
giddo daga kaiminni badooshshe shallaganno.
VARP(Number 1 [; Number 2 [; … [; Number 255]]])
giddo daga kaiminni badooshshe shallaganno.
VAR.P(Number 1 [; Number 2 [; … [; Number 255]]])
giddo daga kaiminni badooshshe shallaganno. Borro hornyo 0 afidhino.
VARPA(Number 1 [; Number 2 [; … [; Number 255]]])
Weibull tuqishshi hornyuwa qolanno.
The Weibull distribution is a continuous probability distribution, with parameters Alpha > 0 (shape) and Beta > 0 (scale).
C 0 ikkituro, WEIBULL darga amadate assiishshi kaayyo shallaganno.
C 1 ikkituro, WEIBULL xaphishshu tuqishshi assiishshi shallaganno.
WEIBULL(Kiiro; Alpha; Beta; C)
Number is the value at which to calculate the Weibull distribution.
Alpha is the shape parameter of the Weibull distribution.
Beta is the scale parameter of the Weibull distribution.
C assiishshu dana leellishshanno.
=WEIBULL(2;1;1;1) 0.86 qolanno.
See also the Wiki page.
Weibull tuqishshi hornyuwa qolanno.
The Weibull distribution is a continuous probability distribution, with parameters Alpha > 0 (shape) and Beta > 0 (scale).
C 0 ikkituro, WEIBULL darga amadate assiishshi kaayyo shallaganno.
C 1 ikkituro, WEIBULL xaphishshu tuqishshi assiishshi shallaganno.
WEIBULL(Kiiro; Alpha; Beta; C)
Number is the value at which to calculate the Weibull distribution.
Alpha is the shape parameter of the Weibull distribution.
Beta is the scale parameter of the Weibull distribution.
C assiishshu dana leellishshanno.
=WEIBULL(2;1;1;1) 0.86 qolanno.
See also the Wiki page.