Womaashshu assiishsha gafa mitte

Kuni fuuli LibreOffice Calcshallagote womaashshu assiishsha amadino.


Yannate baatooshshuwa kaimi giddo afi'noonni qallo shallaganno.


ACCRINT(Issue; FirstInterest; Settlement; Rate; [Par]; Frequency [; Basis])

Hajo agarooshsheho hajote barraati.

FirstInterest (required) is the first interest date of the security.

Settlement (required) is the date at which the interest accrued up until then is to be calculated.

Bikko dirunnita shiimiidi qallo bikkaati (coupon qollote bikkoti)

Par (optional) is the par value of the security. If omitted, a default value of 1000 is used.


We recommend that you always specify the value that you require for ACCRINT’s Par argument, rather than allowing Calc to apply an arbitrary default. This will make your formula easier to understand and easier to maintain.

Kiiro dirunni qalloote baatooshshuwa kiirooti (1, 2 woy 4).

Xinta doorshubbate dirtonni dooraminoho nna diru hiittoonni shallagamannoro leellishanno.



0 woy hawama

US metede (NASD), 12 aganna mittu mittunku 30 barruwa afirino


Agannate giddo barruwa halaalanya kiiro, dirrate giddo barruwa halaalanya kiiro


Agannate giddo barruwa halaalanya kiiro, diru 360 barruwa afirino


Agannate giddo barruwa halaalanya kiiro, diru 365 barruwa afirino


Awurooppu metede, 12 aganna mittu mittunku 30 barruwa afirino


Agarooshshu hajaminohu 2001-02-28. Umi qallo 2001-08-31. Safarote barri 2001-05-01. Bikko 0.1 woy 10% nna Par is 1000 womaashshu bikkaati. Qallo dirunni lameenge baantiro(marro higa 2). Xintu US metede (0). Mageeshshi qallo afi'nanni?

=ACCRINT("2001-02-28";"2001-08-31";"2001-05-01";0.1;1000;2;0) returns 16.94444.


mitto kubbate baatooshshuwa kaimi giddo afi'noonni qallo shallaganno.


ACCRINTM(Issue; Settlement; Rate [; Par [; Basis]])

Hajo agarooshsheho hajote barraati.

Settlement (required) is the date at which the interest accrued up until then is to be calculated.

Bikko dirunnita shiimiidi qallo bikkaati (coupon qollote bikkoti)

Par (optional) is the par value of the security. If omitted, a default value of 1000 is used.


We recommend that you always specify the value that you require for ACCRINTM’s Par argument, rather than allowing Calc to apply an arbitrary default. This will make your formula easier to understand and easier to maintain.

Xinta doorshubbate dirtonni dooraminoho nna diru hiittoonni shallagamannoro leellishanno.



0 woy hawama

US metede (NASD), 12 aganna mittu mittunku 30 barruwa afirino


Agannate giddo barruwa halaalanya kiiro, dirrate giddo barruwa halaalanya kiiro


Agannate giddo barruwa halaalanya kiiro, diru 360 barruwa afirino


Agannate giddo barruwa halaalanya kiiro, diru 365 barruwa afirino


Awurooppu metede, 12 aganna mittu mittunku 30 barruwa afirino


Agarooshshsu hajaminohu 2001-04-01 barrinni hajamino. Keeshshanno yanna 2001-06-15. Bikko 0.1 woy 1o% nna gamu 1000 womaashshu bikkooti. Barru/diru xintu shallago barru taashsho (3). Qallo mageeshsha ikkitanno?

=ACCRINTM("2001-04-01";"2001-06-15";0.1;1000;3) returns 20.54795.


Gumulote yannara ajanno baatooshshi gede xeishshu geeshsha shallaganno. AMORLINC baxxanno, xeishshu hanqafaanoumo dandiitino xe'anno heeshsho kowiicho horoonsidhino.


AMORDEGRC(Cost; DatePurchased; FirstPeriod; Salvage; Period; Rate [; Basis])

Fulo uduunnu hidho fulubbati.

DatePurchased uduunnu afi'ni barraati.

FirstPeriod is the end date of the first settlement period.

Salvage is the salvage value of the capital asset at the end of the depreciable life.

Period is the settlement period to be considered.

Bikko xeishshu bikkooti.

Xinta doorshubbate dirtonni dooraminoho nna diru hiittoonni shallagamannoro leellishanno.



0 woy hawama

US metede (NASD), 12 aganna mittu mittunku 30 barruwa afirino


Agannate giddo barruwa halaalanya kiiro, dirrate giddo barruwa halaalanya kiiro


Agannate giddo barruwa halaalanya kiiro, diru 360 barruwa afirino


Agannate giddo barruwa halaalanya kiiro, diru 365 barruwa afirino


Awurooppu metede, 12 aganna mittu mittunku 30 barruwa afirino


An asset was acquired on 2020-02-01 at a cost of 2000 currency units. The end date of the first settlement period was 2020-12-31. The salvage value of the asset at the end of its depreciable life will be 10 currency units. The rate of depreciation is 0.1 (10%) and the year is calculated using the US method (Basis 0). Assuming degressive depreciation, what is the amount of depreciation in the fourth depreciation period?

=AMORDEGRC(2000; "2020-02-01"; "2020-12-31"; 10; 4; 0.1; 0) returns a depreciation amount of 163 currency units.


Be aware that Basis 2 is not supported by Microsoft Excel. Hence, if you use Basis 2 and export your document to XLSX format, it will return an error when opened in Excel.


Safaru yannara shiimiidi baatooshshi gede xeishshu geeshsha shallaganno . Womaashshu uduunni safarote yanna giddo hiraminoha ikkiro, xeishshaho taalleenyu geeshshi hedote giddora eino.


AMORLINC(Cost; DatePurchased; FirstPeriod; Salvage; Period; Rate [; Basis])

Fulo yaa uduunnu hidho fulubbati.

DatePurchased uduunnu afi'ni barraati.

FirstPeriod is the end date of the first settlement period.

Salvage is the salvage value of the capital asset at the end of the depreciable life.

Period is the settlement period to be considered.

Bikko xeishshu bikkooti.

Xinta doorshubbate dirtonni dooraminoho nna diru hiittoonni shallagamannoro leellishanno.



0 woy hawama

US metede (NASD), 12 aganna mittu mittunku 30 barruwa afirino


Agannate giddo barruwa halaalanya kiiro, dirrate giddo barruwa halaalanya kiiro


Agannate giddo barruwa halaalanya kiiro, diru 360 barruwa afirino


Agannate giddo barruwa halaalanya kiiro, diru 365 barruwa afirino


Awurooppu metede, 12 aganna mittu mittunku 30 barruwa afirino


An asset was acquired on 2020-02-01 at a cost of 2000 currency units. The end date of the first settlement period was 2020-12-31. The salvage value of the asset at the end of its depreciable life will be 10 currency units. The rate of depreciation is 0.1 (10%) and the year is calculated using the US method (Basis 0). Assuming linear depreciation, what is the amount of depreciation in the fourth depreciation period?

=AMORLINC(2000; "2020-02-01"; "2020-12-31"; 10; 4; 0.1; 0) returns a depreciation amount of 200 currency units.


Be aware that Basis 2 is not supported by Microsoft Excel. Hence, if you use Basis 2 and export your document to XLSX format, it will return an error when opened in Excel.


Shallagote xe'ne hayyo horoonsiratennibaxxitino yannara uduunnichu xe'ne qolanno.

Xeishshu hanafora jawiidi xeishshi hornyo afirate hasirittoha ikkiro (shiimiidi xeishshira gurchu garinni) konni gari xeishsha horoonsiri. Xeishshu hornyo xeishsha umi waaginni xeinohunni mitte mittente xeishshu yanna garinni ajanno.


DB(Cost; Salvage; Life; Period [; Month])

Waagu uduunnichuha hanafote waagaati.

Xeishshu hornyo goofimarchu xeishshira uduunnichu hornyooti.

Life defines the period over which an asset is depreciated.

Period is the length of each period. The length must be entered in the same date unit as the depreciation period.

Month (optional) denotes the number of months for the first year of depreciation. If an entry is not defined, 12 is used as the default.


A computer system with an initial cost of 25,000 currency units is to be depreciated over a three-year period. The salvage value is to be 1,000 currency units. The first period of depreciation comprises 6 months. What is the fixed-declining balance depreciation of the computer system in the second period, which is a full year starting from the end of the first six-month period?

=DB(25000; 1000; 3; 2; 6) returns 11,037.95 currency units.


Shallagote xe'ne hayyo horoonsiratennibaxxitino yannara uduunnichu xe'ne qolanno.

Jawiidi kaimu xe'ne hornyoshiimiidi xe'nera gurchote gede shiqishittoha ikkiro xe'ote konne suude horoonsiri. Xe'nete hornyo mitte mittente yannara shiima ikkitanno nnaduucha wote uduunnichu hirrihu gedensaanni harancho yanna giddo ba"annohura kaa'litanno (lawishshaho, kaameella, komipiyuuterra). Ballo wodanchi tenne shallago garinni maxaafu hornyi horontanni zeero di"iillanno.


DDB(Cost; Salvage; Life; Period [; Factor])

Waagu uduunnichuha hanafote waagaati.

Xeishshu hornyo goofimarchu xeishshira uduunnichu hornyooti.

Life is the number of periods (for example, years or months) defining how long the asset is to be used.

Period states the period for which the value is to be calculated.

Factor (optional) is the factor by which depreciation decreases. If a value is not entered, the default is factor 2.


Komipiyuuterete amuraatihu hanafote waagi 75,000 womaashshi aganunni 5 dirranni xeanno. Hornyo xe'nete goofimarchira 1 birraati. Ikkito 2.

=DDB(75000;1;60;12;2) = 1,721.81 currency units. Therefore, the double-declining depreciation in the twelfth month after purchase is 1,721.81 currency units.


barru hoshshuwa (xeishshu) agarooshshe perecentejete garinni shallaganno.


DISC(Settlement; Maturity; Price; Redemption [; Basis])

Hidhote barra agarooshshe hidhini barraati.

Keeshshanno barra agarooshshu keeshshanno (ba"anno)barraati.

Waagu hornyohote agarooshshi 100 womaashshu bikki waagaati (hidhate waagaati)

Hornyo 100 womaashshi bikko hornyo waagaati.

Xinta doorshubbate dirtonni dooraminoho nna diru hiittoonni shallagamannoro leellishanno.



0 woy hawama

US metede (NASD), 12 aganna mittu mittunku 30 barruwa afirino


Agannate giddo barruwa halaalanya kiiro, dirrate giddo barruwa halaalanya kiiro


Agannate giddo barruwa halaalanya kiiro, diru 360 barruwa afirino


Agannate giddo barruwa halaalanya kiiro, diru 365 barruwa afirino


Awurooppu metede, 12 aganna mittu mittunku 30 barruwa afirino


Agarooshshu hiraminohu 2001-01-25 barrinniiti; keeshshsanno barri 2001-11-15. Waagu (hirote waagi) 97, xe'nete hornyo 100. Barru taashsho shallago horoonsiratenni (xinta 3) safaro (xe'ne) mageeshshaati?

=DISC("2001-01-25";"2001-11-15";97;100;3) returns about 0.0372 or 3.72 per cent.


dirunnita shiimiidi qallo bikko gumaame bikkonna diru giddo qallote baatooshshuwa kaiminni shallaganno.


The functions whose names end with _ADD or _EXCEL2003 return the same results as the corresponding Microsoft Excel 2003 functions without the suffix. Use the functions without suffix to get results based on international standards.


EFFECT_ADD(NominalRate; NPerY)

Bikko qallote diru bikkooti.

NPerY diru giddo qallote baatooshshuwa kiirooti.


Goofimarchu bikkonna bocu boci baatooshshi 5.25% nkiro dirunniti gumaame qallote bikko mageeshshaati.

=NOMINAL_ADD(5.3543%;4) 0.0525 woy 5.25% qolanno.


Yannate goofimrchi qallora fixxantino diru qalloote bikka qolanno.

Goofimarchu qallo yaa shallagote yanna goofimarchi qallote geeshshaati. Gumaame qallo baatooshshu kiiro garinni lexxitanno. Wolu garinni, duucha wote qallo baantannihu yannate garinniiti (lawishshaho, aganunni woy bocu boci dirinni) shallagote yanna goofate albaanni.



Gof goofimarchu qallooti.

NPerY diru giddo qallote baatooshshuwa kiirooti.


Dirunniti goofimarchu qallo bikka 9.75% ikkituro nna shoole qalloote yannuwa tiranturo, taalo qallote bikka mageeshaati (gumaame bikko)?

=EFFECT(9.75%;4) = 10.11% The annual effective rate is therefore 10.11%.


Investimeentete giddoyidi qolo bikko shallaganno. Hornyuwa uurrinshu yanna fanfenni woxu du'namme riqibbanno ajaa ajiro mitte hornyo neegaatiive (baatooshshuwa), nna ajaa ajiro mitte hornyo neegaatiive (eo) ikka noose.

If the payments take place at irregular intervals, use the XIRR function.


IRR(Values [; Guess])

Values represents an array containing the values.

Guess (optional) is the estimated value. An iterative method is used to calculate the internal rate of return. If you can provide only few values, you should provide an initial guess to enable the iteration.


This function ignores any text or empty cell within a data range. If you suspect wrong results from this function, look for text in the data ranges. To highlight text contents in a data range, use the value highlighting feature.


Hedote hundaanni bisiccote amadubba A1=-10000, A2=3500, A3=7600 nna A4=1000, afirimalu =IRR(A1:A4) guma 11,33% aanno.


Because of the iterative method used, it is possible for IRR to fail and return Error 523, with "Error: Calculation does not converge" in the status bar. In that case, try another value for Guess.


sorrantinokki borreesso bayisiishshubba qallubba deerra shallaganno.


ISPMT(Bikko; Yanna; TotalPeriods; Investe)

Bikko yannate qallote bikkaati.

Period is the number of installments for calculation of interest.

TotalPeriods is the total number of installment periods.

Investe investimeentete geeshshaati.


Asalu geeshshi 120,000 birra ikke lamu-diri yannanni nna aganu bayisiishsha, diru qallo bikki 12% 1.5 diri gedensaanni qallote bikki shiqino.

=ISPMT(1%;18;24;120000) = -300 currency units. The monthly interest after 1.5 years amounts to 300 currency units.


dirrate giddo murantino qallote agarooshshiha soorrantino keeshsho shallaganno.


DURATION(Settlement; Maturity; Coupon; Yield; Frequency [; Basis])

Hidhote barra agarooshshe hidhini barraati.

Keeshshanno barra agarooshshu keeshshanno (ba"anno)barraati.

Coupon is the annual coupon interest rate (nominal rate of interest)

Gumu agarooshsheho diru gumaati.

Kiiro dirunni qalloote baatooshshuwa kiirooti (1, 2 woy 4).

Xinta doorshubbate dirtonni dooraminoho nna diru hiittoonni shallagamannoro leellishanno.



0 woy hawama

US metede (NASD), 12 aganna mittu mittunku 30 barruwa afirino


Agannate giddo barruwa halaalanya kiiro, dirrate giddo barruwa halaalanya kiiro


Agannate giddo barruwa halaalanya kiiro, diru 360 barruwa afirino


Agannate giddo barruwa halaalanya kiiro, diru 365 barruwa afirino


Awurooppu metede, 12 aganna mittu mittunku 30 barruwa afirino


Agarooshshu hiraminohu 2001-01-01; keeshshanno barri 2006-01-01. Qallote shiimiidi bikko 8%. Gumu 9.0%. Qallo bocu dirinni (dirunni 2). Barru qallote taashsho shallago horoonsiratenni (kaima 3) soorrantino keeshsho mageeshsha seeddanno?

=DURATION("2001-01-01";"2006-01-01";0.08;0.09;2;3) returns 4.2 years.


uurrinshu baatooshshuwa aantewii gumi investimeentete xaa hornyo qolanno.

Konne assiishsha techo qixxisantino bikkonni investe ikkara hasi'nanni geeshsha , baxxino geeshsha adhate, dirunniha, baxxitino kiiro yannuwa aleenni shallagate horoonsiri. Qolteno yanna goofuhu gedensaanni mageeshshi womaashshi gatinoro gumula dandaatto. Hanafote woy jeefote yanna baataminoro bada dandaatto.

Hakkuri hornyuwa kiirote, shallagote handaarra woy maqishshuwate gede ei. Ikkiro, Lawishshaho, qallo dirunni 8% baantiro, kayinni agana yannakki gede horoonsira hasirittoro, Bikko nna LibreOffice hunda Calc umi loosaanchinni shallagate 8%/12 ei.


PV(Rate; NPer; Pmt [; FV [; Type]])

Bikko yannate giddo tirantino qallote bikkaati.

NPer is the total number of periods (payment period).

Pmt yannate garinni baatamino uurrishu baatooshsheeti.

FV (optional) defines the future value remaining after the final installment has been made.

Type (optional) denotes due date for payments. Type = 1 means due at the beginning of a period and Type = 0 (default) means due at the end of the period.

In the LibreOffice Calc functions, parameters marked as "optional" can be left out only when no parameter follows. For example, in a function with four parameters, where the last two parameters are marked as "optional", you can leave out parameter 4 or parameters 3 and 4, but you cannot leave out parameter 3 alone.


Aganu aganunni 500 womaashsha baantiro nna diru qallote bikki 8% ikkiro investimeentete kaimu hornyi me'eho? Baatooshshu yanna 48 aganna nna baatooshshu yanna goofimarchira 20,000 womaashshi gatiro.

=PV(8%/12;48;500;20000) = -35,019.37 currency units. Under the named conditions, you must deposit 35,019.37 currency units today, if you want to receive 500 currency units per month for 48 months and have 20,000 currency units left over at the end. Cross-checking shows that 48 x 500 currency units + 20,000 currency units = 44,000 currency units. The difference between this amount and the 35,000 currency units deposited represents the interest paid.

Hornyuwate darga maqishshuwa afirimalu giddora eessittoro, "ikkiro-aantete" ayee kiirono shallaga dandaatto. Ballo qaagi: soorrantannokki maqishshuwa co'itte maqishuwa gede tirantino. Konni dani lawishshuwa xeishshu assiishshi hundaanni heedhanno.


Uyinoonni yanna bixxille aana qixxisamme-qallo agarooshshira adhamino geeshsha shallaganno .


RECEIVED(Settlement; Maturity; Investment; Discount [; Basis])

Hidhote barra agarooshshe hidhini barraati.

Keeshshanno barra agarooshshu keeshshanno (ba"anno)barraati.

Investimeent hidhote ledooti.

xeishsha agarooshshu waagi hajajo aaninni xibbunni xeisha.

Xinta doorshubbate dirtonni dooraminoho nna diru hiittoonni shallagamannoro leellishanno.



0 woy hawama

US metede (NASD), 12 aganna mittu mittunku 30 barruwa afirino


Agannate giddo barruwa halaalanya kiiro, dirrate giddo barruwa halaalanya kiiro


Agannate giddo barruwa halaalanya kiiro, diru 360 barruwa afirino


Agannate giddo barruwa halaalanya kiiro, diru 365 barruwa afirino


Awurooppu metede, 12 aganna mittu mittunku 30 barruwa afirino


Safarote barr: Ammajje 15 1999, keeshshanno barri: Onkoleessa 15 1999, investimeentete ledo: 1000 womaashshu bikko, xe'o: 5.75 saantete, xintinni: barru taashsho/360 = 2.

Keeshshote barri giddo adhinoonni geeshsha aananno garinni shallagamino:

=RECEIVED("1999-02-15";"1999-05-15";1000;0.0575;2) returns 1014.420266.


Shallagote xe'ne xeishshuwa bikko qolanno.

Uduunnichunnita mitte yanna xaphooma xeishshira xe'nete geeshsha shallagate konne assiishsha horoonsiri. Shallagote xe'ne xeishshi xe'nete geeshsha qixxisammete ledonniyannatenni yanna xeisanno.


SYD(waaga; xe'ote gedensiidi waaga; Heeshsho; Yanna)

Waagu uduunnichuha hanafote waagaati.

Xeishshu hornyo goofimarchu xeishshira uduunnichu hornyooti.

Life is the period fixing the time span over which an asset is depreciated.

Period defines the period for which the depreciation is to be calculated.


Vidiyote amuraati kaimaho 50,000 womaashshi dirunni aantanno 5 dirrara xe"a noosi. Xeote gedensiidi hornyo 10,000 birraati. Umi dirinni shallaga hasirittoro.

=SYD(50000;10000;5;1)=13,333.33 currency units. The depreciation amount for the first year is 13,333.33 currency units.

Yannate garinni xe'nete bikkuwa illachishate, xe'nete shae tira faayyate. By entering the different depreciation formulas available in LibreOffice Calc giddo shiqinoha mittu mittoho aaninobabbaxxino xe'nete afirimalubba eatenni, roore woyyaabbino xe'ne la"a dandaatto. Aananno garinni shae ei:













50,000 currency units

10,000 currency units



13,333.33 currency units



10,666.67 currency units



8,000.00 currency units



5,333.33 currency units



2,666.67 currency units



0.00 currency units













40,000.00 currency units

E2 Giddo afirimalu aananno garaati:


Kuni afirimali caccafote giddo E nni worora E11 geeshsha ( E2 doori, anchite ajotenni shiimidi qiniitira worora goshooshi).

Bisicco E13 xaphoomu xe'ne geeshsha buuxate afirimala anaddino. SUMIF assiishsha E8:E11 giddo negaatiive hornyuwa hedote giddo wora dinosi. Ikkito >0 bisicco A13 giddo amadantino. E13 giddo afirimalu aananno garaati:


Xa 10 diri beehaachi xeishsha illachishi, woyxe'nete gedensiidi waagi 1 birra, woy babbaxxino hanafote waaga ei, nna woleno.

Womaashshu assiishshubba gafa lame

Womaashshu assiishshubba gafa sase

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