Functions by Category
Tini kifile LibreOffice Calcassiishshubba xawissanno. Babbaxxitino assiishshubba Assiishshu Kaa'laanchi giddora beehantino.
The twelve functions in the Database category help you to analyze a simple database that occupies a rectangular spreadsheet area comprising columns and rows, with the data organized as one row for each record.
These spreadsheet functions are used for inserting and editing dates and times.
Kuni fuuli LibreOffice Calcshallagote womaashshu assiishsha amadino.
D'oh! You found a bug (text/scalc/01/04060104.xhp#informationtext not found).
This category contains the Logical functions.
kuni beehaachi Shallagote calc assiishshubba amadino.
Kuni fuuli diru assiishshubba amadino.
This category contains the Statistics functions.
Tini kifile Isipiridishittete asiishshubba xawishsha lawishshu ledo amaddino.
This section contains descriptions of the Text functions.
The following describes and lists some of the available add-in functions.