Sin Function

Angilete sine qolanno. Angile radiyaanetenni badantino. Gumu -1 nna 1 mereero ikkanno.

Using the angle Alpha, the Sin function returns the ratio of the length of the opposite side of an angle to the length of the hypotenuse in a right-angled triangle.

Sin(Alpha) = side opposite the angle/hypotenuse


Sin (Number As Double) As Double

Return value:



Kiiro: Sine shallagga hasiratto angile radiyaanetenni tirtanno kiirote handaara.

To convert degrees to radians, multiply degrees by Pi/180, and to convert radians to degrees, multiply radians by 180/Pi.



Pi is approximately 3.141593.

Error codes:

5 Horiweelo aante woshsho


' Kunni lawishshi giddo, konni woroonni noo eo rayite angile sasimidaadira dandiitamanno:
'Hypotenesete seendille shallaggate angilete gurcho ikkanno midaadonna angile (digirubbatenni):
Sub ExampleSine
' Pi = 3.1415926 balaxitiro soorramaanchooti
Dim d1 As Double
Dim dAlpha As Double
    d1 = EoteSaaxine$ ("Gurchi midaadi seendille eessi: ","Gurchu midaado")
    dAlfa = EoteSaaxine$ ("Angile Alfa eessi(digirubbatenni): ","Alfa")
    "Haypotenesete seendilli"; (d1 / sin (dAlfa * Pi / 180)) attami
End Sub

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