LibreOffice 24.8 Help
Hashshi mereerinni hanaffe sa'ino sekondete kiiro baddanno hornyo qolanno.
Umo Yannate assishsha abbatenna "Seeda" daatu danira gaamate umo soorramaancho egensiisa hasiisannohe, kunni ikka hoogiro,Barru hornyo qolamanno.
Sub ExampleTimer
Dim lSec As Long,lMin As Long,lHour As Long
lSec = Timer
MsgBox lSec, 0, "Seconds since midnight"
lMin = Int(lSec / 60)
lSec = lSec Mod 60
lHour = Int(lMin / 60)
lMin = lMin Mod 60
MsgBox Format(lHour,"00") & ":"& Format(lMin,"00") & ":" & Format(lSec,"00"), 0, "The time is"
End Sub
The Timer function measures time in seconds. To measure time in milliseconds use the Timer service available in the ScriptForge library.