FileDateTime Function
Fayle kalaqantino woy jeeffote soorraantinno barranna yanna amaddanno naannifikiima qolanno.
FayleteBarriYanna (Borro Naannifikiimate Gede)
Borro: Xawe leellanno faylete badooshshe amaddanno naannifikiimate handaara. Hattono URL qaagiishsha horonsi'ra dandaatto.
Tini assishsha "AA.BB.DDDD SS.DD.SS" suudishshanni higginno faylete kalaqo woy jeeffote soorro yanna tirtanno.
You can set the locale used for controlling the formatting numbers, dates and currencies in LibreOffice Basic in LibreOffice - PreferencesTools - Options - Languages and Locales - General. In Basic format codes, the decimal point (.) is always used as placeholder for the decimal separator defined in your locale and will be replaced by the corresponding character.
Baadi qinoo barraho, yannate nna womaashshu suudishshira konni garinni loosansantanno. Qara suudishshu koode tirantannohunna leellitannohu baadi qino garinniiti.
5 Horiweelo aante woshsho
Sub ExampleFileDateTime
MsgBox FileDateTime("C:\autoexec.bat")
End Sub