Soorramaano Horonsi'ranni

Konni woroonni noohu LibreOffice Basic giddo qara horo xawisanno.

Soorramaanchu badaanora sumiimmo su'manni

Soorramaanchu su'mi bati'ra bati'reenna 255 fikiimmuwa amadanno. Soorramaanchu su'mi umi fikiima ikka hasiissann A-Z woy a-z noo fidale ikkitanno. Qoleno kiirubba soorramaanchu su'mi giddo horonsi'ra dandiinanni, kayinnilla gindi bicamme("_") agurranna punctuation…....?? malaatinna addi fikiimmuwa difajjantanno. LibreOffice Basic giddo soorramaanchu badaano fidalete borgara di'ikkitino. Soorramaanchu su'muwa foonqe amaddara dandiitanno kayinnilla amadduro godeessaame gombonni qoqqowama hasiisannosi.

Soorramaanchu badaanora lawishshuwa:

    MyNumber=5      'Correct'
    MyNumber5=15    'Correct'
    MyNumber_5=20   'Correct'
    My Number=20    'Not valid, variable with space must be enclosed in square brackets'
    [My Number]=12  'Correct'
    DĂ©jĂ Vu=25       'Not valid, special characters are not allowed'
    5MyNumber=12    'Not valid, variable may not begin with a number'
    Number,Mine=12  'Not valid, punctuation marks are not allowed'

Soorramaano afisanni

LibreOffice Basic giddo soorramaano calla afisa dihasiisannohe. Soorramaanchu afishshi Dim foolishshonni assamanno. taxxeessu malaatinni badatenni mitti ale soorramaancho mitteentenni afisa dandaatto. Soorramaanchu dana tirate, su'mu gedensaanni danu-afisaancho malaate woy hasiissanno qara qulfe horonsi'ri.

Soorramaanchu afishshira lawishshuwa:

    Dim a$               'Declares the variable "a" as a String'
    Dim a As String      'Declares the variable "a" as a String'
    Dim a$, b As Integer 'Declares one variable as a String and one as an Integer'
    Dim c As Boolean     'Declares c as a Boolean variable that can be TRUE or FALSE'

Once you have declared a variable as a certain type, you cannot declare the variable under the same name again as a different type!

When you declare multiple variables in a single line of code you need to specify the type of each variable. If the type of a variable is not explicitly specified, then Basic will assume that the variable is of the Variant type.

  ' Both variables "a" and "b" are of the Integer type
  Dim a As Integer, b As Integer
  ' Variable "c" is a Variant and "d" is an Integer
  Dim c, d As Integer
  ' A variable can also be explicitly declared as a Variant
  Dim e As Variant, f As Double

The Variant type is a special data type that can store any kind of value. To learn more, refer to the section The Variant type below.

Soorramaanchu afishshuwa kaajjishanni

Soorramaanote afishsha giddeessate, konni woroonni noo hajajo horonsi'ri:

Option Explicit

The Option Explicit statement has to be the first line in the module, before the first SUB. Generally, only arrays need to be declared explicitly. All other variables are declared according to the type-declaration character, or - if omitted - as the default type Single.

Soorramaano Danna

LibreOffice Basic shoole soorramaancho boossa irkisanno:

Intijerete soorramaano

Integer variables range from -32768 to 32767. If you assign a floating-point value to an integer variable, the decimal places are rounded to the next integer. Integer variables are rapidly calculated in procedures and are suitable for counter variables in loops. An integer variable only requires two bytes of memory. "%" is the type-declaration character.

Dim Variable%
Dim Variable As Integer

Seeda intijere soorramaano

Seeda intijere soorramaano -2147483648 nni 2147483647 geeshsha ikkitanno. . If you assign a floating-point value to a long integer variable, the decimal places are rounded to the next integer. Long integer variables are rapidly calculated in procedures and are suitable for counter variables in loops for large values. A long integer variable requires four bytes of memory. "&" is the type-declaration character.

Dim Variable&
Dim Variable As Long

Tonnishshu Soorramaano

Tonnishshu soorramaano posetive, negeetive kiiro woy zeero adha dandiitanno. fidalete deerri 29 dijiite geeshshaati.

Tonnishshu kiirora kaimu kali gede ledishsha(+) woy xeishsha(-) malaatta horonsi'ra dandaatto (foonqeweello woy foonqete ledo).

Tonnishshu kiiro intijerete soorramaanchira gaamanturo, LibreOffice Qara misile alillitte woy wororritte doyissanno.

Tircho Soorramaano

Single variables can take positive or negative values ranging from 3.402823 x 10E38 to 1.401298 x 10E-45. Single variables are floating-point variables, in which the decimal precision decreases as the non-decimal part of the number increases. Single variables are suitable for mathematical calculations of average precision. Calculations require more time than for Integer variables, but are faster than calculations with Double variables. A Single variable requires 4 bytes of memory. The type-declaration character is "!".

Dim Variable!
Dim Variable As Single

Marro Soorramaano

Double variables can take positive or negative values ranging from 1.79769313486232 x 10E308 to 4.94065645841247 x 10E-324. Double variables are floating-point variables, in which the decimal precision decreases as the non-decimal part of the number increases. Double variables are suitable for precise calculations. Calculations require more time than for Single variables. A Double variable requires 8 bytes of memory. The type-declaration character is "#".

Dim Variable#
Dim Variable As Double

Womaashshu Soorramaano

Currency variables are internally stored as 64-bit numbers (8 Bytes) and displayed as a fixed-decimal number with 15 non-decimal and 4 decimal places. The values range from -922337203685477.5808 to +922337203685477.5807. Currency variables are used to calculate currency values with a high precision. The type-declaration character is "@".

Dim Variable@
Dim Variable As Currency

Literals for integers

Numbers can be encoded using octal and hexadecimal forms.

  xi = &o13 '    8 + 3
  ci = &h65 ' 6*16 + 5
  MAX_Integer =  &o77777 '  32767 = &h7FFF
  MIN_Integer = &o100000 ' -32768 = &h8000
  MAX_Long = &h7fffffff '  2147483647 = &o17777777777
  MIN_Long = &h80000000 ' -2147483648 = &o20000000000

Naanni fikiimate Soorramaano

String variables can hold character strings with up to 2,147,483,648 characters. Each character is stored as the corresponding Unicode value. String variables are suitable for word processing within programs and for temporary storage of any non-printable character up to a maximum length of 2 Gbytes. The memory required for storing string variables depends on the number of characters in the variable. The type-declaration character is "$".


In BASIC String functions, the first character of the string has index 1.

Dim Variable$
Dim Variable As String

Buulaancho Soorramaano

Boolaano soorramaano mitto hornyo calla kuussanno: HALAALE woy KAPHO. 0 kiiro KAPHO shallagganno, wole hornyo kayinni HALAALE shallgganno.

Dim Variable As Boolean

Barru Soorramaano

Barru soorramaasine giddoodi suudishshi giddo kuusamino barrunna yannate hornyuwa amaddanno. Barruaante, Barru Hornyo, Yannatehornyo woy Yannatehornyo ledo barru soorramaanora gaamantino hornyuwa uminsanni giddoodi suudishshi wido woleessantanno. Barra, Agana, Diro woy Yanna, Daqiiqa, Sekonde assishsha horonsi'ne Barru-soorramaano rosantino kiiro wido woleessa dandiinanni. Lamente kiiro mereero noo badooshshe shallagatenni giddoodi suudishshi barru/yannate heewishsho dandeessanno. Tini soorramaano afantannohu Barra qara qulfenniiti.

Dim Variable As Date

Literals for Dates

Date literals allow to specify unambiguous date variables that are independent from the current language. Literals are enclosed between hash signs #. Possible formats are:

  start_date = #12/30/1899# ' = 1
  dob = #2010-09-28#

The Variant type

Variables declared as Variant can handle any data type. This means that the actual data type is defined during runtime as a value is assigned to the variable.

There are three main ways to create a Variant variable, as shown below:

  Dim varA            ' The type is not specified, hence the variable is a Variant
  Dim varB as Variant ' The variable is explicitly declared as a Variant
  varC = "abc"        ' Previously undeclared variables are treated as Variants

The example below uses the TypeName function to show how the type of a Variant variable changes upon assignment.

  Dim myVar As Variant
  MsgBox TypeName(myVar) ' Empty
  myVar = "Hello!"
  MsgBox TypeName(myVar) ' String
  myVar = 10
  MsgBox TypeName(myVar) ' Integer

A Variant variable is initialized with the Empty special data type. You can use the IsEmpty function to test if a variable is an Empty Variant.

You can also use the keyword Any to declare a variable as a Variant. However, Any is deprecated and is available for backward compatibility.


Arguments with type Variant or Any passed in function calls are not checked for their types.

  Dim myVar As Any ' Variable "myVar" is a Variant

Kaimu Soorramaanchi Hornyuwa

Soorramaanchu afami gedensaanni, umisinni "Ona" hornyote wido qineessamanno. Konni woroonni noo sumiimmo qaagi:

Kiirote malaate variables are automatically assigned the value "0" as soon as they are declared.

Barru soorramaano giddoonni 0 hornyo shiqishshanno; kunino Day, Agana, Diro woy Yanna, daqiiqa, Sekonde assishshinni hornyo "0" wido woleessatee ledo taalanno .

Naanni-fikiimmate soorramaano afantanno yannara mullicho-naannifikiima("") gaamissanno.


LibreOffice Basic badamino soorramaanchi daninni badaminoha mitto woy baca-waate dira afanno. Dira pirogiraamete giddo dirtuwanna sha'a muccisate injitanno. Dirate miilla kiirote mashalaqqisaanchi widoonni afa dandiinanni.

Dira ikka Jallisi foolishshonni afama hasiisannosi. Dirate mashalaqqisaanchu hakkigeeshsho tirate baasa doogga no:

    Dim Text$(20)       '21 elements numbered from 0 to 20'
    Dim Text$(5,4)      '30 elements (a matrix of 6 x 5 elements)'
    Dim Text$(5 To 25)  '21 elements numbered from 5 to 25'
    Dim Text$(-15 To 5) '21 elements (including 0), numbered from -15 to 5'

Mashalaqqisaancho hakkigeeshsho posetivenna negetive kiiro amaddanno.


Hegeraamu rosantino hornyo noosi. Insano pirogiraamete giddo mitteege calla tirantanno hakkunni gedensaanni ditirantanno:

Const ConstName=Expression

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