LibreOffice 25.2 Help
ඔබට වගු සමගින් වැඩ කිරීමේදී අවශ්ය වන කෘත්යයන්වගු තිරුවේ අන්තර්ගත වේ. එය දිස්වන්නේ ඔබ මූසිකය වගුව තුළට ගෙන ගිය විටකදීය.
Inserts one or more rows in the table, below the selection. The number of rows inserted corresponds to the number of rows selected. The rows takes the same height as the originally selected rows.
Inserts one or more rows in the table, above the selection. The number of rows inserted corresponds to the number of rows selected. The rows takes the same height as the originally selected rows.
Inserts a column after the column where the cursor is currently placed. The number of columns inserted corresponds to the number of columns selected. If no column is selected, one column is inserted. The existing columns are moved to the right
Insert a column before the column where the cursor is currently placed. The number of columns inserted corresponds to the number of columns selected. If no column is selected, one column is inserted. The existing columns are moved to the right
Combines the contents of the selected cells into a single cell, retaining the formatting of the first cell in the selection.
Opens a toolbar that contains functions for optimizing the rows and columns in a table.
Click to open a toolbar where you can click a background color for a paragraph. The color is applied to the background of the current paragraph or the selected paragraphs.
Use this command to apply an AutoFormat to a selected sheet areatable area or to define your own AutoFormats.
Click the Borders icon to open the Borders toolbar, where you can modify the border of a sheet area or an object.
Click this icon to open the Line Style toolbar, where you can modify the border line style.
යම්කිසි වස්තුවක දාරයේ වර්ණය වෙනස් කිරීම සඳහාදාරයේ වර්ණය මෙවලම් තීරුව විවෘත කිරීමට රේඛාවේ වර්ණය(දාරයේ) අයිකනය ක්ලික් කරන්න.
Sorts the selected paragraphs or table rows alphabetically or numerically. You can define up to three sort keys as well as combine alphanumeric and numeric sort keys.
Activates the sum function. Note that the cursor must be in the cell where you want the sum to appear.
Specifies the properties of the selected table, for example, name, alignment, spacing, column width, borders, and background.