LibreOffice 25.2 Help
This menu provides shape objects management.
To enter text on a line, double-click the line and type or paste your text. The text direction corresponds to the direction you dragged to draw the line. To hide the line, select Invisible in the Line Style box on the Drawing Object Properties bar.
Draws a rectangle where you drag in the current document. Click where you want to place a corner of the rectangle, and drag to the size you want. To draw a square, hold down Shift while you drag.
Draws an oval where you drag in the current document. Click where you want to draw the oval, and drag to the size you want. To draw a circle, hold down Shift while you drag.
This submenu contains common shapes like a line, circle, triangle, and square, or a symbol shape like a smiley face, heart, and flower that can be inserted into the document.
Distributes three or more selected objects evenly along the horizontal axis or the vertical axis. You can also evenly distribute the spacing between objects.
Groups keep together selected objects, so that they can be moved or formatted as a single object.
Combines two or more selected objects into a single shape. Unlike grouping, a combined object takes on the properties of the lowermost object in the stacking order. You can split apart combined objects, but the original object properties are lost.
Splits a combined object into individual objects. The resulting objects have the same line and fill properties as the combined object.
Adds the area of the selected objects to the area of the lowermost object in the selection. This command is best used with overlapping objects.
Creates shapes and distributes them by uniform increments between two drawing objects.
LibreOffice draws a series of intermediate shapes between two selected objects and groups the result.
Sets the width of two or more selected objects to the width of the object selected last. Equalize Width is only available when two or more drawing objects are selected.
Sets the height of two or more selected objects to the height of the object selected last. Equalize Height is only available when two or more drawing objects are selected.
Creates a line or Bézier curve by connecting two or more lines, Bézier curves, or other objects with a line. Closed objects containing a fill are converted to lines and lose their fill.