
Добавляет нумерованное название для выбранного изображения, таблицы, диаграммы, врезки или фигуры. Доступ к этой команде также возможно получить, щёлкнув правой кнопкой мыши элемент, к которому требуется добавить название.

Доступ к этой команде

From the menu bar:

Choose Insert - Caption

From the context menu:

Choose Insert Caption

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Image - Caption.

From toolbars:

Icon Insert Caption

Insert Caption


Type the text that you want to appear after the caption category and caption number.


Здесь задаются параметры для названия текущего выделенного элемента.


Select the caption category, or type a name to create a new category. The category text appears before or after the caption number, depending on the Caption order setting in Options. Captions made with a predefined caption category are formatted with a paragraph style with the same name as the category. For example, captions made with the “Illustration” caption category are formatted with the “Illustration” paragraph style.


Select the type of numbering that you want to use in the caption. The selection is also applied to any previous captions in the category.

After number

Enter optional text characters to appear between numbering and category. Only active when Numbering first is selected for Caption order in Options.

Before caption

Enter optional text characters to appear after the caption category and number and before the caption text. These characters are not inserted if no caption text is given.


Добавляет название сверху перед выбранным элементом или же снизу после него. Этот параметр доступен не для всех объектов.


Opens the Options dialog, where it is possible to customize the appearance of the caption label. You can choose to add a heading number to the caption number, add a character style to the caption category and number, and choose the order of the caption category and caption number.


Opens the AutoCaption dialog. This is the same dialog you get by Tools - Options - LibreOffice Writer - AutoCaption. Changes to this dialog do not affect the inserted caption for the current selection.

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