Справка LibreOffice 25.2
На первой странице мастера диаграмм можно выбрать тип диаграммы.
На круговой диаграмме значения представлены в виде циклических секторов общего круга. Длина дуги или площадь каждого сектора пропорциональна её значению.
This subtype shows sectors as colored areas of the total pie, for one data column only. In the created chart, you can click and drag any sector to separate that sector from the remaining pie or to join it back.
This subtype shows the sectors already separated from each other. In the created chart, you can click and drag any sector to move it along a radial from the pie's center.
This subtype can show multiple data columns. Each data column is shown as one donut shape with a hole inside, where the next data column can be shown. In the created chart, you can click and drag an outer sector to move it along a radial from the donut's center.
This subtype shows the outer sectors already separated from the remaining donut. In the created chart, you can click and drag an outer sector to move it along a radial from the donut's center.
This subtype shows a pie chart on the left, with the last three entries in the data column aggregated as a "composite" sector. The composite sector is broken down in a bar chart on the right.
This subtype shows a pie chart on the left, with the last three entries in the data column aggregated as a "composite" sector. The composite sector is displayed on the right as another pie chart.