
Shows or hides the Navigator window, where you can quickly jump to different parts of your document.

Use the Navigator to insert elements from the current document or other open documents, and to organize master documents.

To edit an item in the Navigator, right-click the item, and then choose a command from the context menu.

You can dock the Navigator at the edge of your workspace.

Para aceder a este comando...

From the menu bar:

Choose View - Navigator.

From toolbars:

Icon Navigator On/Off

Ativar/desativar Navegador

From the keyboard:


+ 4 to open in the Sidebar.

From the sidebar:

Icon Navigator


To move the Navigator, drag its title bar.

To dock the Navigator, drag its title bar to the left, right or bottom edge of the workspace. To undock the Navigator, hold down the key and double-click on a grey area of the Navigator.

Click the expander icon (+) next to a category in the Navigator to view the items in the category. Click on an expanded category to collapse it.

To view the number of items in a category, rest your mouse pointer over the category in the Navigator.

To jump to an item in the document, double-click the item in the Navigator.

To jump to the next or previous item in a document, use the Navigate By list to select the item category, and then click the Previous or Next arrows.

The navigator shows the correspondence between the current document cursor location element and the navigator view, according to different categories: Headings, Tables, Hyperlinks and more. The element is displayed and highlighted in the Navigator content view. If the element is located in a collapsed layer, the required layers above it are automatically expanded and remain expanded afterwards.

Document elements are highlighted by inverting their colour on displayed page when hovering their entry name in the Navigator. This allows to draw attention to the element hovered in the Navigator.

Navegar por

Use selection box to choose which type of item should be navigated, when using the Previous and Next buttons.


Jumps to the previous item in the document. To specify the type of item to jump to, click the Navigate By list, and then click an item category - for example, "Images".

Icon Previous Object

Item anterior


Jumps to the next item in the document. To specify the type of item to jump to, click the Navigate By list, and then click an item category - for example, "Images".

Icon Next Object

Item seguinte

Page number

Type the number of the page that you want to jump to, and then press Enter. Use the spin buttons to navigate.

Content Navigation View

Alterna entre a exibição de todas as categorias no Navegador e a categoria selecionada.

Icon Switch Content Navigation View

Switch Content Navigation View

Context menus use a selection of commands found on this help page. The commands in a context menu change, depending on which category or item is selected.


No navegador, aparece a cinzento uma secção oculta que mostra o texto "oculta" se lhe passar por cima com o rato. O mesmo aspeto é aplicável ao conteúdo do cabeçalho e do rodapé dos estilos de página não utilizados e ao conteúdo oculto das tabelas, molduras, imagens, objetos OLE e índices.

Toggle Master View

Alterna entre vista de modelo global e vista normal se um modelo global de documentos for aberto.

Icon Toggle Master View

Alternar vista do modelo global


Move o cursor para o cabeçalho ou do cabeçalho para a área de texto do documento.

Icon Header



Move o cursor para o rodapé ou do rodapé para a área de texto do documento.

Icon Footer


Anchor <-> Text

Alterna entre o texto e a âncora da nota de rodapé.

Icon Anchor <-> Text

Âncora <-> Texto

Set Reminder

Click here to set a reminder at the current cursor position. You can define up to five reminders. To jump to a reminder, click the Navigate By list, select Reminder, and then click Previous or Next.

Icon Set Reminder

Definir lembrete


Os lembretes são percorridos pela ordem em que são definidos. Também não são guardados se o documento for fechado.

Show Up to Outline Level

Click the icon at the top of Navigator or right-click a heading in the Navigator window, then choose how many levels of headings to show in the Headings section of the Navigator window.

For example, choose 1 to only show headings with outline level 1. Choose 3 to show headings up to outline level 3; choose 10 to show all headings.

Icon Show Up to Outline Level

Show Up to Outline Level

List Box

Shows or hides the Navigator list.

Icon List box on/off

Ativar/desativar caixa de lista

Promote Outline Level

Increases the outline level of the selected heading, and the headings that occur below the heading, by one. To only increase the outline level of the selected heading, hold down , and then click this icon.

Icon Promote Outline Level

Promover nível de tópicos

Demote Outline Level

Decreases the outline level of the selected heading, and the headings that occur below the heading, by one. To only decrease the outline level of the selected heading, hold down , and then click this icon.

Icon Demote Outline Level

Despromover nível de tópicos

Move Heading Up

Moves the selected heading, and the text below the heading, up one heading position in the Navigator and in the document. To move only the selected heading and not the text associated with the heading, hold down , and then click this icon.

Icon Move Heading Up

Move Heading Up

Move Heading Down

Moves the selected heading, and the text below the heading, down one heading position in the Navigator and in the document. To move only the selected heading and not the text associated with the heading, hold down , and then click this icon.

Icon Move Heading Down

Move Heading Down


Para reordenar rapidamente os títulos e o texto associado no seu documento, selecione a categoria "Títulos" na lista e, em seguida, clique no ícone Vista de conteúdo. Agora, pode utilizar a função de arrastar e largar para reordenar o conteúdo.

Drag Mode

Define as opções de arrastar e largar para inserir itens do Navegador para o documento, por exemplo, como uma hiperligação. Clique neste ícone e escolha a opção que pretende utilizar.

Icon Drag mode

Modo Arrastar

Insert As Hyperlink

Cria uma hiperligação quando o utilizador arrasta e larga um item no documento atual. Clique na hiperligação que está no documento para avançar para o item indicado pela hiperligação.

Insert As Link

Insere o item selecionado como uma ligação no documento atual, no local escolhido para arrastar e largar. O texto é inserido como secções protegidas. O conteúdo da ligação é automaticamente atualizado quando a origem é alterada. Para atualizar manualmente as ligações num documento, escolha Ferramentas - Atualizar- Ligações. Não é possível criar ligações para imagens, objetos OLE, referências e índices.

Insert As Copy

Insere uma cópia do item selecionado no documento atual, no local escolhido para arrastar e largar. Não é possível arrastar e largar cópias de imagens, objetos OLE, referências e índices.

Open Documents

Apresenta os nomes de todos os documentos de texto abertos. Para visualizar o conteúdo de um documento na janela do Navegador, selecione o nome do documento na lista. O documento atualmente apresentado no Navegador está indicado pela palavra "ativo" a seguir ao respetivo nome na lista.

Outline Tracking

Set Navigator mode of outline tracking. This feature applies only to outline entries under Headings in the Content View frame of Navigator. To see, enable, or change the mode, right-click on Headings or an item under Headings and choose Outline Tracking. The selected mode is applied to the entire document.

In Default and Focus mode, Navigator will automatically select the nearest heading before the current cursor position in the document.

In Default mode, the display of outline entries in Navigator is never changed, only an outline entry is selected.

In Focus mode, Navigator shows only the headings for the selected outline level, relative to the next higher outline level. For example, if a level 2 heading is selected, then all level 2 headings under the same level 1 heading are shown, while any level 3-10 headings (under the same level 1 heading) are collapsed. Other headings, not under the same level 1 heading, are also collapsed.

Choose Off to disable Outline Tracking.


Copies the heading and the contents that follow the heading until the next heading with the same outline level. These contents include paragraphs with outline level "None" and headings with an outline level greater than the copied heading. You can paste the contents in another place in the document.

Delete Heading

Deletes the heading and the contents that follow the heading until the next heading with the same outline level. These contents include paragraphs with outline level "None" and headings with an outline level greater than the deleted heading.


Selects the heading and the contents that follow the heading until the next heading with the same outline level. These contents include paragraphs with outline level "None" and headings with an outline level greater than the selected heading.


Select the document that you want to view.


Edit the properties of the selected object.


Renames the selected object. At object creation time, LibreOffice assigns a unique name to the object within the document.

Delete Table

Deletes the selected table.

Table Tracking

Mark this checkbox to include tables when tracking changes.

Delete Frame

Deletes the frame and all its contents.

Frame Tracking

Mark this checkbox to include frames when tracking changes.

Section Tracking

Mark this checkbox to include sections when tracking changes.

Delete Image

Deletes the image.

Image Tracking

Mark this checkbox to include images when tracking changes.

Delete OLE Object

Deletes the OLE object.

OLE Object Tracking

Mark this checkbox to include OLE objects when tracking changes.

Delete Bookmark

Deletes the bookmark.

Bookmark Tracking

Mark this checkbox to include bookmarks when tracking changes.

Delete Hyperlink

Deletes the hyperlink.

Hyperlink Tracking

Mark this checkbox to include hyperlinks when tracking changes.

Delete Reference

Deletes the reference.

Reference Tracking

Mark this checkbox to include references when tracking changes.


Updates the index.


Removes the index. The contents of the index is not deleted but is not treated as an index anymore.

Read only

Check this box to prevent manual editing of the index content.

Delete Index

Deletes the index.

Index Tracking

Mark this checkbox to include indexes when tracking changes.

Delete Comment

Deletes the comment.

Comment Tracking

Mark this checkbox to include comments when tracking changes.

Delete Drawing Object

Deletes the drawing object.

Drawing Object Tracking

Mark this checkbox to include drawing objects when tracking changes.

Delete Field

Deletes the field.

Field Tracking

Mark this checkbox to include fields when tracking changes.

Delete Footnote

Deletes the footnote.

Footnote Tracking

Mark this checkbox to include footnotes when tracking changes.

Delete Endnote

Deletes the endnote.

Endnote Tracking

Mark this checkbox to include endnotes when tracking changes.

Sort Alphabetically

Sorts alphabetically all entries in the selected category. Uncheck this option to sort entries according the their order of appearance in the document.

Expand or Collapse All Categories

Expands or collapse the display of objects under the selected category. Document objects names are displayed under the category entry. Click on an entry to jump to the object in the document.

Go to

Jumps to the selected object in the document.

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