
Utilize as estatística de dados do Calc para executar análises de dados complexas.

Para trabalhar com análises complexas de estatística ou engenharia, pode poupar tempo através das estatísticas de dados do Calc. Você indica os dados e os parâmetros de cada análise e as ferramentas da aplicação utilizam a função adequada para calcular e mostrar os resultados na tabela de saída.


Create a table with data sampled from another table.

Descriptive Statistics

Fill a table in the spreadsheet with the main statistical properties of the data set.

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

Produces the analysis of variance (ANOVA) of a given data set


Calculates the correlation of two sets of numeric data.


Calculates the covariance of two sets of numeric data.

Exponential Smoothing

Results in a smoothed data series

Moving Average

Calculates the moving average of a time series

Regression Analysis

Performs linear, logarithmic, or power regression analysis of a data set comprising one dependent variable and multiple independent variables.

Paired t-test

Calculates the paired t-Test of two data samples.


Calculates the F-Test of two data samples.


Calculates the z-Test of two data samples.

Chi-square test

Calculates the Chi-square test of a data sample.

Fourier Analysis

Produces the Fourier analysis of a data set by computing the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of an input array of complex numbers using a couple of Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithms.

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