Ajuda do LibreOffice 24.8
Listening to document events can help in the following situations:
Identify a new document at opening time, as opposed to existing ones, and perform a dedicated setup.
Control the processing of document save, document copy, print or mailmerge requests.
Recalculate table of contents, indexes or table entries of a Writer document when document is going to be closed
Import math Python packages before opening a Calc document. Release these packages when the document closes.
Além de atribuir macros a eventos, você pode monitorizar eventos criados por documentos do LibreOffice. Os difusores da API (Application Programming Interface) são responsáveis pelas chamadas a macros de eventos. Diferente dos recetores que requerem a definição de todos os métodos suportados, mesmo que não utilizados, a monitorização de documentos requer somente dois métodos além dos scripts de eventos relacionados.
Monitoring is illustrated herewith for Basic and Python languages using object-oriented programming. Assigning OnLoad script, to the event, suffices to initiate and terminate document event monitoring. menu tab is used to assign either scripts.
Intercepting events helps setting scripts pre- and post-conditions such as loading and unloading libraries or track script processing in the background. Access2Base.Trace module usage is illustrating that second context.
A monitorização de eventos começa da instanciação do objeto, e termina quando o Python liberta o objeto. Os eventos criados são reportados ao utilizar a consola do Access2Base.
OnLoad and OnUnload events can be used to respectively set and unset Python programs path. They are described as and .
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import os.path, uno, unohelper
from com.sun.star.document import DocumentEvent, \
XDocumentEventListener as AdapterPattern
from com.sun.star.lang import EventObject
class UiDocument(unohelper.Base, AdapterPattern):
""" Monitorizar eventos de documento """
adaptado de 'Python script to monitor OnSave event' de
def __init__(self):
""" Monitorizar eventos de documento """
''' reportar utilizando a consola Access2Base.Trace OU
reportar na 1.ª folha, 1.ª coluna para documentos do Calc '''
ctx = uno.getComponentContext()
smgr = ctx.getServiceManager()
desktop = smgr.createInstanceWithContext(
'com.sun.star.frame.Desktop' , ctx)
self.doc = desktop.CurrentComponent
#self.row = 0 # remover comentário apenas em documentos do Calc
self.listen() # Começar a monitorizar eventos de documento
def Filename(self) -> str:
sys_filename = uno.fileUrlToSystemPath(self.doc.URL)
return os.path.basename(sys_filename)
def setCell(self, calcDoc, txt: str):
""" Saída dos eventos de doc. na 1.ª coluna de uma folha Calc """
sheet = calcDoc.getSheets().getByIndex(0)
self.row = self.row + 1
def listen(self, *args): # OnLoad/OnNew o mais cedo
""" Começar monitorização de eventos de documento """
Console.log("INFO", "Os eventos de documento estão a ser registados", True)
def sleep(self, *args): # OnUnload por último (opcional)
""" Encerrar monitorização de eventos de documento """
Console.log("INFO", "Os eventos de documento foram registados", True)
def documentEventOccured(self, event: DocumentEvent):
""" Intercetar todos os eventos de documento """
#self.setCell(event.Source, event.EventName) # apenas em documentos do Calc
event.EventName+" in "+self.Filename,
def disposing(self, event: EventObject):
""" Libertar todas as atividades """
def OnLoad(*args): # evento 'Abrir documento'
listener = UiDocument() # Initiates listening
def OnUnload(*args): # evento 'Documento foi fechado'
pass # (opcional) executado quando dispensado
g_exportedScripts = (OnLoad,)
from com.sun.star.script.provider import XScript
class Console():
Consola para trás ou para a frente para reportar/registar execução de programa.
def trace(*args,**kwargs):
""" Imprimir lista de itens livre na consola """
scr = Console._a2bScript(script='DebugPrint', module='Compatible')
def log(level: str, text: str, msgBox=False):
""" Anexar mensagem de registo na consola, pergunta opcional ao utilizador """
scr = Console._a2bScript(script='TraceLog')
def setLevel(logLevel: str):
""" Definir limite inferior em mensagens de registo """
scr = Console._a2bScript(script='TraceLevel')
def show():
""" Exibir o conteúdo ou diálogo da consola """
scr = Console._a2bScript(script='TraceConsole')
def _a2bScript(script: str, library='Access2Base',
module='Trace') -> XScript:
''' Grab application-based Basic script '''
sm = uno.getComponentContext().ServiceManager
mspf = sm.createInstanceWithContext(
scriptPro = mspf.createScriptProvider("")
scriptName = "vnd.sun.star.script:"+library+"."+module+"."+script+"?language=Basic&location=application"
xScript = scriptPro.getScript(scriptName)
return xScript
Preste atenção ao erro no método documentEventOccured que herda um erro da LibreOffice Application Programming Interface (API).
Importing Python Modules for more information.
and events can respectively be used to set and to unset Python path for user scripts or LibreOffice scripts. In a similar fashion, document based Python libraries or modules can be loaded and released using and events. Refer toUsing ConsoleLogger initialisation. _documentEventOccured routine - set by ConsoleLogger - serves as a unique entry point to trap all document events.
menu tab, the event fires a
Option Explicit
Global _obj As Object ' controller.ConsoleLogger instance
Sub OnLoad(evt As com.sun.star.document.DocumentEvent) ' >> Abrir documento <<
_obj = New ConsoleLogger : _obj.StartAdapter(evt)
End Sub ' controller.OnLoad
Sub _documentEventOccured(evt As com.sun.star.document.DocumentEvent)
''' ConsoleLogger unique entry point '''
End Sub ' controller._documentEventOccured
Events monitoring starts from the moment a ConsoleLogger object is instantiated and ultimately stops upon document closure. StartAdapter routine loads necessary Basic libraries, while caught events are reported using Access2Base.Trace module.
Option Explicit
Option Compatible
Option ClassModule
' ADAPTER design pattern object to be instantiated in the "Open Document" event
Private Const UI_PROMPT = True
Private Const UI_NOPROMPT = False ' Set it to True to visualise documents events
Private _evtAdapter As Object ' com.sun.star.document.XDocumentEventBroadcaster
Private _txtMsg As String ' text message to log in console
Private Property Get FileName As String
''' Nome de ficheiro dependente do Sistema '''
Const _LIBRARY = "Tools" : With GlobalScope.BasicLibraries
If Not .IsLibraryLoaded(_LIBRARY) Then .LoadLibrary(_LIBRARY)
End With
Filename = Tools.Strings.FilenameOutofPath(ThisComponent.URL)
End Property ' controller.ConsoleLogger.Filename
Public Sub DocumentEventOccurs(evt As com.sun.star.document.DocumentEvent)
''' Monitorizar eventos de documento '''
Access2Base.Trace.TraceLog("DEBUG", _
evt.EventName &" in "& Filename(evt.Source.URL), _
Select Case evt.EventName
Case "OnUnload" : _StopAdapter(evt)
End Select
End Sub ' controller.ConsoleLogger.DocumentEventOccurs
Public Sub StartAdapter(Optional evt As com.sun.star.document.DocumentEvent)
''' Inicializar registo de eventos de documento '''
Const _LIBRARY = "Access2Base" : With GlobalScope.BasicLibraries
If Not .IsLibraryLoaded(_LIBRARY) Then .LoadLibrary(_LIBRARY)
End With : Access2Base.Trace.TraceLevel("DEBUG")
If IsMissing(evt) Then _txtMsg = "" Else _txtMsg = evt.EventName & "-"
Access2Base.Trace.TraceLog("INFO", _txtMsg & "Document events are being logged", UI_PROMPT)
_evtAdapter = CreateUnoListener( "_", "com.sun.star.document.XDocumentEventListener" )
ThisComponent.addDocumentEventListener( _evtAdapter )
End Sub ' controller.ConsoleLogger.StartAdapter
Private Sub _StopAdapter(Optional evt As com.sun.star.document.DocumentEvent)
''' Terminar registo de eventos de documento '''
ThisComponent.removeDocumentEventListener( _evtAdapter )
If IsMissing(evt) Then _txtMsg = "" Else _txtMsg = evt.EventName & "-"
Access2Base.Trace.TraceLog("INFO", _txtMsg & "Document events have been logged", UI_PROMPT)
Access2Base.Trace.TraceConsole() ' Captured events dialog
End Sub ' controller.ConsoleLogger._StopAdapter
' O seu código para tratar eventos segue aqui
Preste atenção ao erro no método _documentEventOccured que herda um erro ortográfico da LibreOffice Application Programming Interface (API).
O objeto API emissor fornece a lista de eventos dos quais é responsável:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import uno, apso_utils as ui
def displayAvailableEvents():
""" Exibir eventos de documento """
adaptado de DisplayAvailableEvents() por A. Pitonyak
ctx = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getComponentContext()
smgr = ctx.ServiceManager
geb = smgr.createInstanceWithContext(
"com.sun.star.frame.GlobalEventBroadcaster", ctx)
events = geb.Events.getElementNames()
ui.msgbox('; '.join(events))
g_exportedScripts = (displayAvailableEvents,)
A extensão Alternative Python Script Organizer (APSO) é utilizada para mostrar informações de eventos no ecrã.
Sub DisplayAvailableEvents
''' Exibir eventos de documento '''
Dim geb As Object ' com.sun.star.frame.GlobalEventBroadcaster
Dim events() As String
geb = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.GlobalEventBroadcaster")
events = geb.Events.ElementNames()
MsgBox Join(events, "; ")
End Sub