LibreOffice 25.2 Help
Barreessaan LibreOffice galmeewwan barruu isa saxaatoo, gabateewwan, yookin taattoowwan dabalachuu danda'u saxaxeessuu fi hoomishuu sidandeesiissa. Kanaan booda galmeewwan Maykirosoft Woordii, HTML, yookin Dhangii Galmee Harkee Adoobee (DGH, PDF) dabalatee dhangiiwwan heedduun olkaa'uu nidandeessa.
Barreessaan LibreOffice galmeewwan bu'uura lachan, kunis yaadannoowwan, faaksii, xalayaawwan uumuu sidandeesiissa, akkasuumas galmeewwan maki, galmeewwan kutaa hedduu dheeraa fi xaxaa, murqusaa guutuun, gabateewwan fi kaasawwan wabii dabalatee itti fufa.
LibreOffice Writer also includes such useful features as a spellchecker, a thesaurus, AutoCorrect, and hyphenation as well as a variety of templates for almost every purpose. You can also create your own templates using the wizards.
LibreOffice offers a wide variety of options to design documents. Use the Styles window to create, assign and modify styles for paragraphs, individual characters, frames and pages. In addition, the Navigator helps you to quickly move around inside your documents, lets you look at your document in an outline view, and keeps track of the objects that you have inserted into your document.
Akkasuumas, galmeewwan barruu keessatti kasaawwan fi gabateewwan hedduu uumuu nidandeessa. Akkaataa barbaaddeen caasaa fi danaa kasaawwan fi gabateewwanii qindeessuu nidandeessa. Akkuuma sanaan akka barruucha keessaa maalimaawwan walgitanitti utaaluu dandeessuuf, geessituuwwanii fi toorbarruuwwan dhiisi.
LibreOffice Writer contains numerous desktop publishing and drawing tools to assist you in creating professionally styled documents, such as brochures, newsletters and invitations. You can format your documents with multi-column layouts, frames, graphics, tables, and other objects.
Galmeewwanii barruu LibreOffice keessaa dalaga herregaa walqabatoo warra herrega walxaxaa fi kornyoowwan yaayaatiif sigargaaran qaba. Akka herrega hujjeechuu dandeessuuf, gabatee tokko galmee barruu keessatti salphaatti uumuu nidandeessa.
Meeshaan fakkasaa Barreessaa LibreOffice, galmeewwan barruu keessatti fakkasaa, saxaatoo, waayoowwan, akkasuumas fakkasaawwan ka biroo uumuu sidandeesiissa.
Galmee barruu keessatti, saxaatoo JPG yk GIF tiin dhangeefamee dabalatee, dhangiiwwan adda addaa waliin fakkaattiiwwan saaguu nidandeessa. Dhangiiwwanii baayee beekamoon galmee barruu keessaa kan gulaalamuu dandaa'an gulaalaa calaqqeetiini. Akkasuumas, Kuusfaayaan walitti qabaa saxaatoo muraa faayoowwan isaaniin qind'aanii laatta.Hojqoncoo Kusfaayaa miidhaa bocquu dibuu uuma.
The program interface is designed so that you can configure it according to your preferences, including customizing icons and menus. You can position various program windows, such as the Styles window or the Navigator as floating windows anywhere on the screen. You can also dock some windows to the edge of the workspace.
Amalootii harkisii kaa'i akka ati haala gaariin atatamaan galmeewwan barruu LibreOffice keessaa waliin hojeechuu sidandeessisa. Fakkeenyaaf, wantaawwan, kunis saxaatoo kuusfaayaa irra, galmeedhuuma tokko keessaa bakka tokko irraa gara birootti, galmeewwan LibreOffice gidduutti harkistee kaa'uu sidandeessisa.
fayyadamaawwan LibreOffice tiif Sirna Gargarsaa akka wabii guutuutti, dalagaalee salphaa fi xaxaadhaaf, ajajoota dabalatee fayyadamuu nidandeessa.