LibreOffice 25.2 Help
Kabalii Gabatee , dalagaawwan isa ati yammuu gabateewwan waliin hojeechuudhaaf sibarbaachissu of keessaa qaba. Yammuu ati qaree gabatee keessatti siqsiitu mul'ata.
Inserts one or more rows in the table, below the selection. The number of rows inserted corresponds to the number of rows selected. The rows takes the same height as the originally selected rows.
Inserts one or more rows in the table, above the selection. The number of rows inserted corresponds to the number of rows selected. The rows takes the same height as the originally selected rows.
Inserts a column after the column where the cursor is currently placed. The number of columns inserted corresponds to the number of columns selected. If no column is selected, one column is inserted. The existing columns are moved to the right
Insert a column before the column where the cursor is currently placed. The number of columns inserted corresponds to the number of columns selected. If no column is selected, one column is inserted. The existing columns are moved to the right
Combines the contents of the selected cells into a single cell, retaining the formatting of the first cell in the selection.
Kamshaa faankishinoota guutola tarreewwanii fi tarjaaleef gabatee keessatti qabatu bani.
Iddoo halluu duubbee keewwataaf cuqaasuu dandeenyuttikamshaa banuuf cuqaasi. Halluun duubbee keewwata ammee ykn keewwatoota fayyadama.
Use this command to apply an AutoFormat to a selected sheet areatable area or to define your own AutoFormats.
Sajoo Handaarota kamshaa Handaarotaa banuuf, iddoo bal'ina handaara waraqaa ykn wantaa fooyyessuu dandeessa.
Kamshaa Akkaataa Sarara banuuf sajoo kana, iddoo akkaataa sarara handaaraa fooyyessuu dandeessutti cuqaasi.
Sajoo Halluu Sarara (kan handaaraa) kamshaa Halluu Handaaraa banuuf, isa halluu handaara wantaa jijjiiruf si dandeessisu cuqaasi.
Keewwatoota filataman foo'a, yk tarreewwan gabatee, haala aabaatiin yk lakkoofsaan tarreessa. Hamma qabduuwwan sadi'itti qabduuwwan foo'a, akkasuumas qabduuwwan foo'a haala aabaatiif lakkoofsa maku, qindeessuu nidandeessa.
Faankishinii ida'aa kakaasa. Qareen man'ee, bakka ida'aan akka mul'atu barbaaddu keessa ooluu akka qabu beeku qabda.
Specifies the properties of the selected table, for example, name, alignment, spacing, column width, borders, and background.