
Contains commands for activate form design mode, enable/disable control wizards and insert form controls in your document.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

From the menu bar:

Choose Form.

Design Mode

Toggles the Design mode on or off. This function is used to switch quickly between Design and User mode. Activate to edit the form controls, deactivate to use the form controls.

Control Wizards

Weyta too'annoo haaraa saagnu akka masaka ofumaan eegalluu fi oollu ifteessa. Qindoominni kun galmeewwan maraaf hundataan fayyada.

Dirree sarxaa

Icon Label Field

Barruu agarsiisuf dirree uuma. Asxaawwan kun barruu duribsame qofa agarsiisuf gargaara. Galfanni dirreewwan kana keessatti hin uumaman.

Sanduuqa barruu

Icon Text Box

Sanduuqa barruu uuma. Sanduuqni barruu dirree fayyadamaan barruu itti galchuu danda'udha. Unkaa keessatti,sanduuqota barruu deetaa mul'isa ykn naqa deetaa haaraaf ni heyyama.

Sanduuqa Filannoo

Icon Check Box

Sanduuqota filannoo uuma. Sanduuqni filannoo dalagaa unkaa keessaa kakaasuf ykn kaka'uumsaluu ni heyyama.

Qabduu filannoo

Icon Option Button

Creates an option button. Option buttons enable the user to choose one of several options. Option buttons with the same functionality are given the same name (Name property). Normally, they are given a group box.

Sanduuqa Tarree

Icon List Box

Creates a list box. A list box lets users select an entry from a list. If the form is linked to a database and the database connection is active, the List Box Wizard will automatically appear after the list box is inserted in the document. This wizard helps you create the list box.

Sanduuqa Makaa

Icon Combo Box

Sanduuqa makaa uumaa. Sanduuqni makaan sanduuqa tarree sar-qeenxee tarree gadbuusaa wajjiin dhimmamtoonni filannoo filatanirraa. Amala dubbisqofa gara sanduuqa makaatti ramaduu dandeessa akkasumas dhimmamtoonni galfatawwan tarree keessatti argaman malee kan biroo galchuu hin danda'an. Yoo unkaan gara kuusaa deetaatti daangeffamee fi waliindhni kuusaa deetaa ka'aa ta'e, Masaka Sanduuqa Makaa n erga sanduuqa makaa galmee keessatti galee ofumaan argama.

Qabduu Dhiibi

Icon Push Button

Qabduu dhiibdu uuma. Hojiin kun taatee ibsameef ajaja , akka hantuutee cuqaasuu hojirra oolchuf gargaara.

Qabduulee kanatti barruu ykn saxatoo fayyadamuu dandeessa

Qabduu Calaqqee

Icon image button

Qabduu akka calaqqetti mul'atu uuma. Akka lamdhiheessa saxatoo irraa hubannetti, qabduun calaqqee qabduu "normal" wajjiin amala tokko qabu.

Dirree Dhangi'ame

Icon Formatted Field

Dirree dhangi'ame uuma. Dirreen dhangi'ame sanduuqa barruu naqoota fi bahoota dhangi'ame ittiin ibsuu dandeenyudha, akkasumas kan gatii fayyadamne daangessuu dandeesisudha.

Dirreen dhangi'ame Amaloota too'annoo addaa (Dhangii - Too'annoofili).

More fields

Date, time, numerical, currency and pattern form fields.

Sanduuqa Garee

Icon Group Box

Creates a frame to visually group several controls. Group boxes allow you to group option buttons in a frame.

If you insert a group frame into the document, the Group Element Wizard starts, which allows you to easily create an option group.

Note: When you drag a group box over already existing controls and then want to select a control, you have to first open the context menu of the group box and choose Arrange - Send to Back. Then select the control while pressing .


Group boxes are used only for a visual effect. A functional grouping of option fields can be made through the name definition: under the Name properties of all option fields, enter the same name in order to group them.

Too'annoo calaqqee

Icon Image Control

Too'annoo calaqqee uuma. Calaqqe kuusaa deetaa irraa dabaluuf qofaaf fayyada. Galmee unkaa keessaa, double-click one of these controls to open the qaaqaSaxatoo sagi dialog to insert the image. There is also a context menu (not in design mode) with commands for inserting and deleting the image.

Calaqqeen kuusaa deetaa unkaa keessatti agarsiifama, akkasumas hanga mirgi too'annaa calaqqee hin ugguraminitti calaqqee haaran gara kuusaa deetaa saagamuu danda'a.garuu too'annoon akaakuu calaqqee dirree kuusaa deetaa mirkanuu qaba. Kanaafuu, dirree deetaa gara amaloota fooddaa fuula cancalaDeetaa galchaa.

Filannoo Faayilii

Icon File Selection

Qabduu filannoo faayilii kaasuu dandeessisu uumaa.

Gabatee Too'annoo

Icon Table Control

Creates a table control to display a database table. If you create a new table control, the Table Element Wizard appears.

Odeeffannoo addaa waa'ee gabatee too'annoo.

Kabal naannawiinsa

Icon Navigation bar

Creates a Navigation bar.

The Navigation bar allows you to move through the records of a database or a database form. The controls on this Navigation bar work the same way as the controls on the default Navigation bar in LibreOffice.

Amaloota too'annoo

Opens a dialog for editing the properties of a selected control.

Amaloota unkaa

In this dialog you can specify, among others, the data source and the events for the whole form.

Unkaa Naanna'aa

Opens the Form Navigator. The Form Navigator displays all forms and subforms of the current document with their respective controls.

Activation Order

Opens the Tab Order dialog so you can modify the order in which control fields get the focus when the user presses the tab key.

Haalata Saxatoon Bani

Opens forms in Design Mode so that the form can be edited.

Automatic Control Focus

Content Controls

A content control is a placeholder text in which the current content will be replaced when clicking into the control. Content controls are individual controls to add and customize for use in templates, forms, and documents. Content controls can provide instructional text and set controls to disappear when users type in their own text.

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