Abbimaa fayyadamuu

Abbimaan jecha galmee kitaabessaa keessatti adda ba'eef odeeffanoo fi faankishinummaa dabalataa kenna. Amalootii jiroon, dheertoo abbimaa addaatiif, adda ta'uu dandaa'a.

Abbimaa ijaaruu

Abbimaan akka dheertootti kitaabessaa LibreOffice dhaaf kennama.

Abbimaa ijaaruuf, kan armaan gadii tokko hojjadhu:

Baafata abbimaa

Any text in a Writer document can be marked with a Smart Tag, by default a magenta colored underline. You can change the color in - LibreOffice - Application Colors.

When you point to a Smart Tag, a tip help informs you to -click to open the Smart Tags menu. If you don't use a mouse, position the cursor inside the marked text and open the context menu by Shift+F10.

Baafata abbimaa keessatti, gocha argamu kan abbimaa ibsame ilaaluu dandeessa. Baafata keessaa filannoo filadhu. ajaja Filannoowwan abbimaa banuuf abbima fuulaa kan Meeshaalee - Ofiinsirreessuu.

Abbimaa dandeessisuu fi dhaamsuu

When you have installed at least one Smart Tags extension, you see the Smart Tags page in Tools - AutoCorrect - AutoCorrect Options. Use this dialog to enable or disable Smart Tags and to manage the installed tags.

Sajoo Yaaddannoo

Barruun akka abbimaatti beekamu batalumatti to'ataa qubeeffamaatiin hin mirkanaa'u.

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