LibreOffice 25.2 Help
Galchiiwwan kasaa galmee kee keessatti akka dirreetti saagamu. Dirreewwan galmee kee keessaa ilaaluuf,
fili sana booda akka filatame mirkaneessi.Qaree hatattamaan fuuldura galchii kasaa galmee kee keessa irra kaa'i.
Choose Edit - Reference - Index Entry..., and do one of the following:
Sanduuqa barruu Dhaan bakkabuudi keessaa barruu argamaniin bakkabuusuudhaaf barruu galchi.
Faayilicha kuusdeetaa filiitii Haqi cuqaasi.
To cycle through the index entries in your document, click the next or the previous arrows in the Edit Index Entry dialog.