LibreOffice 25.2 Help
Miiljaleen odeeffannoo dabalata matadureewwan fuulaa gadii jiran wabii kenna fi ibsi dabalataa odeeffannoo dhumaa galmeekee irra jiran wabii kenna. LibreOffice'n ofumaaan miiljalee fi ibsa dabalataaf lakkoofsa kenna.
Galmeekee keessa iddoo itti korkoddii yadannoo kaa'uu barbaaddu cuqaasi.
Choose Insert - Footnote and Endnote - Insert Special Footnote/Endnote.
keessaa, dhangii fayyadamuu barbaadde filadhu. Yoo filatte, qabduu sakatta'ii cuqaasi ( ) fi arfii miiljaleef fayyadamuu barbaadde filadhu.Naannoo
keessaa, filadhu ykn .TOLEE cuqaasi.
Yadannoo barreessi.
Akkasumaas saajooMiiljalee Kallattiin Saaguu kan kamshaala Saagi irra jiruu cuqaasuun miiljalee saaguu dandeessa.
You can insert endnotes directly by clicking the Standard or Insert toolbar or choose .
icon on theYommuu galmeekee keessatti korkoddii miiljalee fi ibsa dabalataa lamqiqqindessitu akeektuun hantuutee gara harkaatti jijjiramti.
To edit the text of a footnote or endnote, click in the note, or click the anchor for the note in the text, or press CommandCtrl+Shift+PageDown.
To change the format of a footnote, click in the footnote, press Command+TF11 to open the Styles window, right-click "Footnote" in the list, and then choose Modify.
Barruucha keessaa, barruu miiljalee ykn ibsa dabalataa irraa gara korkoddii yadannootti utaaluuf, dhiibi.
To edit the numbering properties of a footnote or endnote anchor, click in front of the anchor, and choose Edit - Reference - Footnote or Endnote.
To change the formatting that LibreOffice applies to footnotes and endnotes, choose Tools - Footnote/Endnote Settings.
To edit the properties of the text area for footnotes or endnotes, choose Format - Page Style, and then click the Footnote tab.
Miiljaalee haquuf, korkooddii miiljalee barruu keessaa haqi.
Shortcut keys can be made to insert, edit, and navigate to footnotes and endnotes. Choose note in the Functions box to see possibilities.
tab and enter