Fuulootaaf Handaaroota Qindeessuu

Sajoo Ofegannoo

Barreessaa keessatti, Fuuloota mata mataa ossoo hintaane, haalataa fuulaatiif handaaraa qindeessu nidandessa. Wantii ati keekuu qabdu, handaara irratti jijjiirraan tahe marii, fuuloota warra akkaataa fuulaa walfakkaatan fayyadaman mara irratti fayyada. Wantii ati beekuu qabdu, jijjiirraan akkaataan fuulaa LibreOffice irratti gaabbiidhaan hojeetamuu hindanda'u.

Akkaataa Handaara Durmurtaawaa Qindessuu

  1. Choose Format - Page Style - Borders.

  2. Naannoo Durtii keessatti akkaataalee handaaraa durtii tokko fili.

  3. Select a line style, width and color for the selected border style in the Line area. These settings apply to all border lines that are included in the selected border style.

  4. Select the distance between the border lines and the page contents in the Padding area. You can only change distances to edges that have a border line defined.

  5. Jijjiirraa Fayyadamuuf, Tole cuqaasi.

Akkaataa Handaara Maamileesame Qindessuu

  1. Choose Format - Page Style - Borders.

  2. Naannoo Hiika Fayyadamaa irratti teessuma waliinii qarqaraawwan warra akka mul'atu barbaaddu fili. Filannoon qarqaraa akka ceetuuf durargii qarqaraa keessa cuqaasi.

  3. Select a line style, width and color for the selected border style in the Line area. These settings apply to all border lines that are included in the selected border style.

  4. Qarqara handaaraa hundaafuu, ejjatoota dhuma lachan irradeebi'i.

  5. Select the distance between the border lines and the page contents in the Padding area. You can only change distances to edges that have a border line defined.

  6. Jijjiirraa Fayyadamuuf, Tole cuqaasi.

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