Automatic Check Spelling

LibreOffice can automatically check spelling while you type and underline possible misspelled words with a red wavy line.

Yeroo barreessa aka ufmaan qubeeffannoo mirkaneessuu

  1. Choose Tools - Automatic Spell Checking.

  2. Jecha warra sarara daddabaa diimaadhaan jalamuraman irra mirga-cuqaasi, kana booda tarree irraa jecha akka bakkabuufamuuf barbaadduu filadhu, ykn baafata xiqaa irraa OfiinSirreessaa irraa filadu.

If you choose a word from the AutoCorrect submenu, the underlined word and the replacement word are automatically added to the AutoCorrect list for the current language. To view the AutoCorrect list, choose Tools - AutoCorrect - AutoCorrect Options, and then click the Replace tab.

Akkasumas, Add filachuudhaan, jecha jala muraman gara galmee jechootaa maamiloo keetiitti ida'uu nidandeessa.

Jecha to'annaa qubeeffannoo irra qoqqobuuf

  1. Jecha qoqqobuu barbadee filadhu.

  2. Baafata banuuf, Kabala Haalojii irraa, to'attaa Afaani cuqaasi.

  3. Choose "None (Do not check spelling)".

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