Endnote Settings

Dhangeessa ibsadabalataawwanii ifteessa. Dirqalaawwan jiran, akaaku lakkaawwii ibsadabalataa fi akkaataa fayyadama isaanii, tahu.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

Choose Tools - Footnote/Endnote Settings - Endnotes tab



Select the numbering scheme that you want to use.



1, 2, 3

Lakkoofsawwan Arabaa

A, B, C

Alphabetical numbering with uppercase letters A–Z
After item 26, numbering continues AA, AB, AC, ...

a, b, c

Alphabetical numbering with lowercase letters a–z
After item 26, numbering continues aa, ab, ac, ...


Lakkoofsawwan Roomaa (xixiqqaa)

i, ii, iii

Lakkoofsawwan Roomaa (xixiqqaa)

A,... AA,... AAA,...

Alphabetical numbering with uppercase letters A–Z
After item 26, numbering continues AA, BB, CC, ...

a,... aa,... aaa,...

Alphabetical numbering with lowercase letters a–z
After item 26, numbering continues aa, bb, cc, ...

Irraa eegali

Lakkoofsa ibsadabalata jalqabaa galmicha keessatti galchi. Kun faayida qabeessa kan tahu, yoo lakkaawwii ibsadabalata sanaa akka galmee tokkoo ol walitti guduunfu barbaade dha.


Barruu isa, lakkoofsa ibsadabalataa fulduratti mul'isuu barbaaddu, barruu yaadannoo keessatti galchi. Fakkeenyaaf, "dabal: 1" mul'isuuf, "dabal: " barreessi.


Barruu isa, lakkoofsa ibsadabalataa boodatti mul'isuu barbaaddu, barruu yaadannoo keessatti galchi. Fakkeenyaaf, "1)" mul'isuuf, ")", barreessi.


To ensure a uniform appearance for the endnotes in your document, assign a paragraph style, and assign character styles to the endnote anchor number and the number in the endnote area.


Select the paragraph style for the endnote text. Only special styles can be selected.


Select the page style that you want to use for endnotes.

Naannoo barruu

Select the character style that you want to use for endnote anchors in the text area of your document.

Naannoo Ibsa Dabalataa

Select the character style that you want to use for the endnote numbers in the endnote area.

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