
Automatically formats a document or a selection according to the options set in the AutoCorrect Options tab.

To select options, choose Tools - AutoCorrect - AutoCorrect Options, click the Options tab, then select options in the [M] column to be applied when the Apply command is chosen.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

Choose Tools - AutoCorrect - Apply.

Rasaasa / Lakkaawwii dhaaf OfiinSirreessaa

Tarree raasaaseefame tokko uumuudhaaf, jalqaba keewwatatti iddoo tokkoon yk caancala walitti aananii, murfi (-) tokko, urjii (*), yk mallattoo idaatii (+) barreessii.

Tarree lakkoofsifame tokko uumuudhaaf, jalqaba keewwatatti iddoo tokkoon yk caancala walitti aananii, lakkoofsa tokko isa tuqaa duraan dhufu barreessi.


Automatic numbering is only applied to paragraphs formatted with the “Default Paragraph Style”, “Body Text”, or “Body Text, Indented” paragraph styles.

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