LibreOffice 25.2 Help
Gabatee kan Wantawwanii keessatti dhangii kan galfatootaa ifteessi.
Gabateen Wantootaa tokko sadarkaa kasaa tokko qofa qabu.
SararichiCaasaa galfataawwan kasaa keessaa, akkamiin akka barqiifaman murteessa. Danaa galfata tokkoo jijjiiruuf, lakkadda yk barruu saanduqaawwan duwwaa sarara kana iraa jiranitti, lakkadda yk barruu galchuu ni danddeessaa. Akkasumas, saaduqa duwwaa yk lakkadda tokko keessatii cuqaasuu fi ittaansitee qabduu lakkaddaa tokko cuqaasuu nidandeessa.
To delete a code from the Structure line, click the code, and then press the Delete key on your keyboard.
Sarara Caasaa irraa lakkadda tokko bakka buusuuf, lakkadicha cuqaasiitii, itti aansii qabduu lakkaddaa tokko cuqaasi.
Sarara Caasaa irraatti lakkadda tokko ida'uuf, saanduqa duwwaa tokko cuqaasiitii, itti aansii qabduu lakkaddaa tokko cuqaasi
Dhaabduu caancalaa tokko saaga. Xuqaawwan dursaa dhaabduu caancalaatti ida'uudhaaf, Fill character box keessaa arfii tokko filadhu. Qubannoo dhaabduu caancalaa jijjiiruudhaaf, saanduqa Qubannoo dhaabduu caancalaa keessaatti gatii tokko galchi, yk ammoo saanduqa filannoo Mirga hiriirsi filadhu.
Inserts heading information such as heading number or heading contents. Click on the HI icon to select what information to display.
Creates a hyperlink for the part of the entry that you enclose by the opening (LS) and the closing (LE) hyperlink tags. On the Structure line, click in the empty box in front of the part that you want to create a hyperlink for, and then click this button. Click in the empty box after the part that you want to hyperlink, and then click this button again. All hyperlinks must be unique.
Applies the current settings to all levels without closing the dialog.
Specify a character style for the selected icon in the Structure.
Qaaqa bakka akkaataa arfii filatamee itti gulaaluu dandeessu bana.
The next three options are available when the T icon is selected.
Ajajaa caancalaa isa fayyadamuu barbaaddu filadhu.
Mudana fuula bitaa fi dhaabduu caancalaa gidduutti fageenya dhiifamuu malu gachi.
Gara mudana fuula mirgaatti dhaabduu caancalaa hiriirsa.
The next two options are available when the HI icon is selected.
Select the heading information to include in the index entry.
Enter the maximum number of levels to show of the heading number. For example, select “3” to show up to three levels. If the heading number has fewer than three levels, then the actual number is shown.
Dhaabduu caancalaa, gatii "galumsa bitaa irraa", isa akkaataa keewwataa caancala Akkaataawwani irratti filatameen murteeffame, waliin haala firoomeen qubachiisa. Kana malee dhaabduun caancalaa sun kallattii galumsa fuula bitaatiin qubachiifama.