Index (table of figures)

The following options are available when you select Table of Figures as the index type.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

Choose Insert - Table of Contents and Index - Table of Contents, Index or Bibliography - Type tab (when Table of Figures is the selected type)

Akaakuu fi Mataduree

Akaakuu fi mataduree kasaa ifteesi.


Kasaa filatameef mataduree galchi.


Select the type of index that you want to insert or edit. The options available on this tab depend on the index type that you select. If the cursor is in an index when you choose the Insert - Table of Contents and Index - Table of Contents, Index or Bibliography, you can then edit that index.

Geedaramawwan hojjaarkaa iraa hayyifamaa

Prevents the contents of the index from being changed. Manual changes that you make to an index are lost when the index is refreshed. If you want the cursor to scroll through a protected area, choose - LibreOffice Writer - Formatting Aids, and then select the Enable cursor check box in the Protected Areas section.

Create Index or Table of Contents


Galmee yk boqonnaa ammaa keessaa isa kamiif kasaa akka uumtu filadhu.

Irra uumi

Oddeefaannoo isa ulaagaa kasaa tokko uumuuf wal- qabsiifamu qabu ifteessi.


Qabiiwwan wantaa irraa galfatoota kasaa uuma. Qabii tokko wantatti ida'uuf, wantichi filadhuutii, kana booda Saagi - Qabii fili.


Garsuu qabii, isa galfatoota kasaatiif fayyadamuu barbaaddu filadhu.


Select the part of the caption that you want to display in the index entries. The following table illustrates the options that can be selected, based on the caption “Figure 24: The Sun”, where “Figure 24” was generated automatically when the caption was inserted, while “The Sun” is the caption text added by the user.

Dirqalawwanii sanduqa tarree Agarsiisaa keessatti

Galfata kasaa keessaa


Figure 24: The Sun

Garsuu fi Lakkoofsa

Figure 24

Caption Text


If you select “Caption Text”, the punctuation and the space at the beginning of the caption are not included in the index entry.

Maqaa wantaa

Maqaawwan wantaa irraa galfatootaa kasaa uuma. Nanna'aa keessatti maqaawwan wantaa mul'isuu nidandeessa. Fakkeenyaaf, bafata halqaraa keessattis akkasumas, jijjiiruu nidandeessa.

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