
DocInformation fields contain information about the properties of a document, such as the date a document was created. To view the properties of a document, choose File - Properties.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

Saagi - Dirreewwan - Kabiroo - Odeeffannoo Galmee caancala jedhu filadhu


When you export and import an HTML document containing DocInformation fields, special LibreOffice formats are used.


Lists the available field types.




Inserts the comments as entered in the Description tab page of the File - Properties dialog.


Maqaa barreessaa, guyyaa, yk yeroo galmichi itti uumamee saaga.


Inserts the contents of the properties found on the Custom Properties tab of the File - Properties dialog. (Only shown if Custom properties are added.)


Inserts the keywords as entered in the Description tab of the File - Properties dialog.

Maxxanfama Maayii

Maqaa barreessaa, guyyaa, yk yeroo galmichi dhuma maxxanfama maayii saaga.


Maqaa barreessaa, guyyaa, yk yeroo galmichi dhumaa olkaa'ame galcha.

Revision number

Lakkoofsa fooyyii kan galmee ammaa saaga.


Inserts the subject as entered in the Description tab of the File - Properties dialog.


Inserts the title as entered in the Description tab of the File - Properties dialog.

Total editing time

Galmee tokko gulaaluuf yeroo hamammii akka siti fudhatu saaga.


The following fields can only be inserted if the corresponding field type is selected in the Type list.


Lists what information can be inserted for a selected field type.


Akaakuuwwan dirree "Uumamaa", "Fooyyefamaa" fi "Dhuma maxxanfame" jedhamaniif, barreessaa, guyyaa fi yeroo qixa dalagaa gegeefametti dabaluu nidandeessa.


If a field is displaying a date, time or number, then Format is used to customize the appearance of the date, time, or number. Common formats are shown in the Format window, or click "Additional formats" to define a custom format.

When you click "Additional formats", the Number Format dialog opens, where you can define a custom format.

Qabiyyee siranaa

Dirricha akka qabiiyyee dhaabataa, jechuunis, akka foyyaa'u hindandeenyetti saaga.


Dirreewwan qaabiiyyee dhaabataa qabaan yeroo ati galmee haaraa, qajojii isa dirree akkasii of keessaa qabu irraa, uumtu qofa madaalamu. Fakkeenyaaf, dirreen guyyaa qabiiyyee dhaabataa qabu tokko, guyyaa isa galmee haaraan tokko qajojicha irraa uumame saaga.

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