
Iddoon kun galmee ammaa keessatti, wabiiwwan yk dirreewwan wabeefamanitti isa saagduudha. Wabiiwaanii, galmee walfakkataan yk galmeewwan xiqqaa galmee guddaa tokko keessatti dirreewwan wabeefamaniidha.

Bu'aan akka dirreetti waabeffannaa galchuu, yeroo galmee hundaa jijjiirtu, hujeekaan wabiiwwan qindeessuun sinbarbaachisu. Amma, F9 dhaan dirree yoo haroomsittee, akkasuumas wabiiwwan galmee keessaas siif haroomu.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

From the menu bar:

Choose Insert - Field - More Fields - Cross-references tab

Choose Insert - Cross-reference

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Insert - Cross-reference.

Choose References - Cross-reference.

From toolbars:

Icon Insert Cross-reference

Insert Cross-reference

From the keyboard:

+ F2

Waabeffannoowwan Saaguu


Akaakuuwwan dirree jiraanii tarreessa. Galmee keetti dirree idaa'uuf, akaakuu dirree cuqaasitii, tarree Filaannoo keessaa dirree tokko cuqaasi, kana booda Saagi cuqaasi. Dirreewwanii kanaan gadii warra jiraniidha:



Wabii Qindeessi

Dirree wabeefameef galtee qindeessi. Maqaa jalatti, wabiif maqaa tokko galchi. Yammuu wabii saagduu, maqaan tarree sanduuqaa Filaannoo keessatti akka beeksisootti mul'ata.

Galmee HTML keessatti, dirreewwan wabii akka kanatti saagamaan ni tuffatamu. galtee galmee HTML keessatiif, toorbarruu tokko saaguqabda.

Wabii Saagi

Galmee keessaa qubannoo kabirootti wabii tokko saaguu. Walqunnamtiin qubannoo barruu jalqaba "Wabii Qindeessii" waliin ibsaamu qaba. kanaan achi, maqaa dirree Filannoo filachuun wabii saaguun hindanda'amu.

Galmeewwan hundataa keessaa, galmee xiqqa tokkoo irraa kabirootti wabeefachuu nidandeessa. Akka yaadannootti dirree filannoo keessatti maqaan wabii waan hinmul'aneef, "harkaan" saagamuu qaba.

Galmee HTML keessatti, dirreewwan wabii akka kanatti saagamaan ni tuffatamu. galtee galmee HTML keessaatiif, geessituu tokko saaguu qabda.


Saanduqii Filaannoo, akka durduuba mul'annoo isaaniitti kan tarree matadureewwan maraa galmee keessa jiranii mul'isa.

Kewwattoota Lakkoofseefaman

The Selection box shows a list of all ordered paragraphs in the order of their appearance in the document. The list includes:

  • paragraphs with a paragraph style assigned a numbering scheme in the Tools > Heading Numbering dialog

  • ordered list paragraphs, formatted with the Formatting toolbar or Bullets and Numbering dialog

  • paragraphs formatted with a numbered list style

  • paragraphs formatted with a paragraph style with a numbered list style applied in the Outline & List tab.


Toorbarruu tokko galmicha Saagi - Toorbarruuwaliinii keessatti saaguun booda, galfati toorbarootaa caancalaWabiilee irraa fayyadamuuf qophii ta'a. Toorbarrootni, ceyiitiiwwan barruu ta'aani mallatteessuuf fayyadu. Galmee barruu tokko keessatti, fakkeenyaaf, galmee barrichaa keessatti, ceyiitii tokko irraa kabirootti utaaluuf, toorbaroota jiraan fayyadamuu nidandeessa.

Galmee HTML tokko keessatti, toorbarrootni kun korkoddiiwwan <A name> warra geessituuwwan fakkeenyaa murteessaan ta'u.


Yoo galmeen kee miiljalee qabaate, galfata Miiljaleewwanii filachuu dandeessa. Wabiin gara miiljalee lakkoofsa miiljalee deebisa.

(Wantoota qabiiwwan waliin saagaman)

wantootaa qabiiwwan hojjatoo qabanitti wabiilee qinddeessuu nidandeessa. Fakkeenyaaf, suuraa tokko saagii, suuraa sana mirga cuqaasi, qabii filadhu. Kana booda, wantichi akka "Fakkiibsaa" lakkoofsifamee tokkotti tarricha keessatti mul'ata.


Wabiiwwan dirreelee dha. Wabii tokko haquuf, dirricha haqi. Yoo barruu irra dheeraa tokko akka wabiitti qindeessitee, erga wabicha haqxee booda, deebiste saaguu hinfeetu ta'e, barrucha filadhuutii gabatee-muraatti garagalchi. Kana itti aansuun, akka "barruu hindhaangeffamne" itti ajajicha Gulaalii - Maxxansa Addaa jedhu fayyadamuun qubannoo isaa duraatti deebistee saaguu nidandeessa. Yoona egaa, wabichi haqamuyyuu barruchi niqabata (hin badu).


Lists the available fields for the field type selected in the Type list. To insert a field, click the field, select a format in the "Refer using" list, and then click Insert.


To quickly insert a field from the list, hold down and double-click the field.

Refer using

Dirree wabii isa filatameef, dhangii isa fayyadamuu barbaaddu filadhu. Dhangiiwwan itti aanaan siif jiratu:



Page number (unstyled)

Lakkoofsa fuula isa galtee wabii qabate jiru saaga.


Inserts the heading number or list number of the reference target.

Referenced text

Inserts the complete reference target text. For footnotes the footnote number is inserted. For captions the complete caption (category, number and text) is inserted.


Iddoo galtee wabichaa itti qabata qubannoo dirree wabichaa irratti hundaa'uun, "irra" yk "jala" saaga.

Page number (styled)

Lakkoofsa fuula isa galtee wabii qabate jiruu, dhangii haalata fuulaa keessatti ifteefame irratti hundaa'uun, saaga.


Lakkoofsa mataduree yk keewwata lakkoofsifamee, sadarkaalee ol-aannoo dabalatee, halqaraa irratti hundaa'uun, saaga.

Lakkoofsa (halqara hinqabne)

Lakkoofsa mataduree yk keewwata lakkoofsifamee qofaa saaga.

Lakkoofsa (halqara guutuu qabu)

Lakkoofsa mataduree yk keewwata lakkoofsifamee, sadarkaalee ol-aannoo dabalatee, saaga.

Garsuu fi Lakkoofsa

Inserts the caption category and caption number (or number range variable name and value). Any text between the category and number (or variable name and value) is also inserted.

This option is available for all number range variables, including caption numbers.

Barruu Qabii

Inserts all text that follows the caption category and caption number until end of paragraph.

This option is available for all number range variables, including caption numbers.


Inserts the caption number (or number range value).

This option is available for all number range variables, including caption numbers.


For “Chapter”, “Number”, “Number (no context)”, and “Number(full context)” formats, the number of sublevels shown for the selected format depends on the Show sublevels setting for the relevant outline levels in Tools - Heading Numbering.


Type the name of the user-defined field that you want to create. To set a target, click "Set Reference" in the Type list, type a name in this box, and then click Insert. To reference the new target, click the target name in the Selection list.

Galmee hundataa tokko keessatti, galteewwanii galmee xixiqqaa adda addaa keessaa, tarree Filannoo keessatti hinagarsiifaman. Galteef wabii tokko saaguu yoo barbaaddee, sanduuqa Maqaa keessatti maqaaf xurree galtiichaa barreessuu qabda.


Enter the contents that you want to add to a user-defined field.

Galmee keessaa barruu yoo filattee, wabii tokko saagdee, barruun filatame kun qaamma dirree isa atti saagdee sannaa ta'a.

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