
Inserts a field at the current cursor position. The dialog lists all available fields.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

Choose Insert - Field - More Fields


Kamshaa saagi irraa


Dirreewwan Saagi

Waa'ee Dirreewwanii


Fields are used to insert information about the current document, for example, file name, template, statistics, user data, date, and time.


Iddoon kun galmee ammaa keessatti, wabiiwwan yk dirreewwan wabeefamanitti isa saagduudha. Wabiiwaanii, galmee walfakkataan yk galmeewwan xiqqaa galmee guddaa tokko keessatti dirreewwan wabeefamaniidha.

Bu'aan akka dirreetti waabeffannaa galchuu, yeroo galmee hundaa jijjiirtu, hujeekaan wabiiwwan qindeessuun sinbarbaachisu. Amma, F9 dhaan dirree yoo haroomsittee, akkasuumas wabiiwwan galmee keessaas siif haroomu.


Depending on the field type that you select, you can assign conditions to certain functions. For example, you can define a field that executes a macro when you click the field in the document, or a condition that, when met, hides a field. You can also define placeholder fields that insert graphics, tables, frames and other objects into your document when needed.


DocInformation fields contain information about the properties of a document, such as the date a document was created. To view the properties of a document, choose File - Properties.


Variable fields let you add dynamic content to your document. For example, you can use a variable to reset the page numbering.


You can insert fields from any database, for example, address fields, into your document.


Qubaannoo qaree ammaa galmee keessattti dirree filataame saaga. Qaaqa cufuuf, qabduu Cufi jedhu cuqaasi.

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