Kutaa Saagi

Inserts a text section at the cursor position in the document. You can also select a block of text and then choose this command to create a section. You can use sections to insert blocks of text from other documents, to apply custom column layouts, or to protect or to hide blocks of text if a condition is met.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

From the menu bar:

Choose Insert - Section

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Insert - Section

On the Insert menu of the Insert Tab, choose Section.

From toolbars:

Icon Section


Galmee guutummaa kutaa tokkotti, yk kutaa biroo keessaa kutaa moggaafame tokko saaguu nidandeessa. Akkasumaas, kutaa tokko akka geessituu DDEtti saaguu nidandeessa.

Kutaa gulaaluf, Dhangii - Kutaalee filadhu.

Qaaqan Kutaa Saagi caancalawwan kanan gadii of keessa qaba:


Sets the properties of the section.


Lakkoofsa tarjaawwanii akkasuumas mudana tarjaa akkaataa fuulaa, goodayyaa, yk kutaa tokkootiif ifteessa.


Mudanaa bitaa fi mirga waliin kutaa galcha.

Area (Background, Highlighting)

Set the fill options for the selected drawing object or document element.


Specifies where footnotes and endnotes are displayed as well as their numbering formats.


Kutaa isa ati qubaannoo qaree ammaatti qindeesiitte galmicha keessatti saaga.

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