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Akkaataa Herregduu LibreOfficetiin hojeechuu

Ajajoota LibreOffice Math fayyadamuuf

Amaloota Herregduu LibreOffice

Gabateewwan Wabii Foormulaa

Foormullaa Maalimootaa

Fakkeenyoota LibreOffice Math

Kanneen armaan gadii tarreele lakkaddaa foormula LibreOffice Math keessa.

Chemical Formulas Examples

Bafata Herreegduun LibreOffice, Kamshaalee, fi Furtuuwwan



Furtuulee Qaxxaamura Foormulaa

Have a look at for a set of additional LibreOffice Math icons and macros.

Help about the Help

The Help references the default settings of the program on a system that is set to defaults. Descriptions of colors, mouse actions, or other configurable items can be different for your program and system.

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