LibreOffice 25.2 Help
The quotation marks in the examples are used to emphasize text and do not belong to the content of the formulas and commands.
Yemmu foddaa Ajaja keessatti foormulaa fakkeenya barreessinu, caasa sirridhaaf iddoon akka barbaachisu yaadadha.
Braces "{}" are used to group expressions together to form one new expression. For example, sqrt {x * y} is the square root of the entire product x*y, while sqrt x * y is the square root of x multiplied by y. Braces do not require an extra space.
Set brackets were previously inserted in the Elements pane or directly in the Commands window as "left lbrace <?> right rbrace". Now, a left and a right set bracket can also be inserted using "lbrace" and "rbrace", with or without wildcards.
There are a total of eight (8) different types of brackets available. The "ceil" and "floor" brackets are often used for rounding up or down the argument to the next integer: lceil -3.7 rceil = -3 or lfloor -3.7 rfloor = -4.
Operator brackets, also known as Bra-kets (angle brackets with a vertical line in between), are common in Physics notation: langle a mline b rangle or langle a mline b mline c over d mline e rangle. The height and positioning of the vertical lines always corresponds exactly to the enclosing brackets.
Sadallaan hundi tarii cimdii qofaan fayyadamu. Sadallaan amala baramoo tokko tokko qabu.
Sadallaan gosa hundinuu dalagaa gurmeessuu walfakkaata akka sadallaa "{}" tiif ibsameetti qabu.
Sadallaa gosa hundaa, kanneen mul'atan dabalate, gurmuu duwwaa hiiku hayyamu.Himannoo marfamee egaa duwwaa ta'u danda'a.
Brackets do not adjust their size to the enclosed expression. For example, if you want ( a over b ) with a bracket size adjusted to a and b you must insert "left" and "right". Entering left(a over b right) produces appropriate sizing. If, however, the brackets themselves are part of the expression whose size is changed, they are included the size change: size 3(a over b) and size 12(a over b). The sizing of the bracket-to-expression ratio does not change in any way.
Hanga "biitaa" fi "mirgi" ramaddi sadallaa adda mirkaneessanitti, sadallaan qeenxe marri akka yaada walii galaa ajajoota lamaniitti fayyadamu ni dandeessa, isumayyuu sadallaa mirga gara bitaa, ykn sadalla bita gara mirga qubachiisa. Bakka sadallaa guutaa "homaa" fayyadamu ni dandeessa, kana jechuun sadallaan mula'atu hin jiru akkasumas iddoon sadallaadhaaf olkaawame hin jiru. Kana fayyadamuun himannoo armaan gadii uumu ni dandeessa:
left lbrace x right none
left [ x right )
left ] x right [
left rangle x right lfloor
Seerotuma walfakkaatatu "bitaa" fi "mirgaa" tti fayyadama akka sadallaa kabirootti: akka gurmuu ijaaruttis ni hojjetu akkasumas tari himannoo duwwaas ni marsu.
Makaan sadallaa wal hin simiin, sadallaa qeenxe fi sadallaa lamatta bitaa fi mirgaa qubachiifamaan yeroo mara foormuloota herrega keessatti uumamu. Kan armaan gadii foormula yeroo barreessinu dogongora uuma:
[2, 3) - addaan fageenya bana mirga
Using "left" and "right" makes the above expression valid in LibreOffice Math: left [2, 3 right ). However, the brackets do not have any fixed size because they adjust to the argument. Setting a single bracket is a bit cumbersome. Therefore, there you can display single brackets with a fixed size by placing a "\" (backslash) in front of normal brackets. These brackets then act like any other symbol and no longer have the special functionality of brackets; that is they do not work as group builders and their orientation corresponds to that of other symbols. See size *2 \langle x \rangle and size *2 langle x rangle.
Millu irrakeessa guutu akka armaan gaditti
\{ or \lbrace, \} or \rbrace
\(, \)
\[, \]
\langle, \rangle
\lceil, \rceil
\lfloor, \rfloor
\lline, \rline
\ldline, \rdline
Rakkoo kamiiniyyu ala kara kanaan addaan fageenya akka armaan oliitti LibreOffice Math keessatti ijaaru ni dandeessa: \[2", "3\) ykn "\]2", "3\[ (Hubadhu: Mallattoon waraabbii qaamq galfata ti.)
Maalo malattoo waraabbii galuu akka qabu yaadadha akkasumas jijjirra+2 fayyadamuun argama akkasumas mallattoo waraabbii typographical waliin ala. Walumagalatti, mallattoo buufattoo (haala ammatiin akka qoodduu) akka barrutti qindeessa. Akka "\[2,~3\)" barreessuun yoo danda'ames akki armaan olii filatamadha. Fakkeenya darbe keessatti, hamamtaan sadallaa hamamta bocquu fayyadamne irratti hirkachuun isaa "hamamta dhaabata" yeroo hunda ibsa.
Nesting groups within each other is relatively problem-free. In the formula hat "{a + b}" the "hat" is displayed simply over the center of "{a + b}". Also, color red lceil a rceil and grave hat langle x * y rangle work as expected. The result of the latter can be compared to grave {hat langle x * y rangle}. These attributes do not compete, but rather can be combined.
This differs slightly for competing or mutually influencing attributes. This is often the case with font attributes. For example, which color does the b have in color yellow color red (a + color green b), or which size does it have in size *4 (a + size /2 b)? Given a base size of 12, does it have the size 48, 6 or even 24 (which could be seen as a combination)? The following are basic resolution rules, which will be followed consistently in the future. In general, the rules apply to all group operations. This only has a visible effect on the font attributes, like "bold", "ital", "phantom", "size", "color" and "font":
Group operations in sequence are treated as if every single operation is enclosed by braces. They are nested, and in every level there can be no more than one operation. Here is an example of a formula with many group operations:
size 12 color red font sans size -5 (a + size 8 b)" like "{size 12{color red{font sans{size -5 (a + {size 8 b})}}}}.
Fakkeenyi foormulaa kun egaa bitaa gara mirgaatti hiikama. Dalagaaleen kun garee ykn himannoo isaanin walitti dhufoo ta'ani qofa irratti dhiibba fidu. Dalagaaleen mirgaarra fagaatani jiranuu warreen dursanii waliin ofiisaniin "bakka wal buusu" ykn "wal maku".
A group operation does not have any effect on higher-level operations but rather affects only lower-level groups and expressions, including their brackets and super-/subscripts. For example,
a + size *2 (b * size -8 c_1)^2
Dalagaalee gosa walfakkaata dursan kamiyyu "halluu ..." fi "bocquu ..." akkasumas "hamamta n" (n'n kurnyee) bakka bu'a
Dhiibbaan dalagaalee "hamamta +n", "hamamta -n", "hamamta *n", fi "hamamta /n" walmaka,
size *2 size -5 a would be double the starting size minus 5
font sans ( a + font serif b)
size *2 ( a + size /2 b )
To change the size of a formula, use "size +" or -,*,/. Do not use "size n". These can easily be used in any context. This enables you to copy to other areas by using Copy and Paste, and the result remains the same. Furthermore, such expressions survive a change of base size in the menu better than when using "size n". If you use only size * and size / (for example, size *1.24 a or size /0.86 a) the proportions remain intact.
Fakkeenyoota (hamamta bu'uura 12 waliini fi 50% kasaalef):
Exactly identical proportions with size 18 a_n and size *1.5 a_n.
This differs in different contexts: x^{size 18 a_n} and x^{size *1.5 a_n}
Examples with size +n for a comparison. They look identical:
a_{size 8 n}
a_{size +2 n}
a_{size *1.333 n}
Fakkeenyootni armaan gadii garuu wsl hin fakkaatani:
x^{a_{size 8 n}}
x^{a_{size +2 n}}
x^{a_{size *1.333 n}}
All n here have different sizes. The size 1.333 results from 8/6, the desired size divided by the default index size 6. (Index size 50% with a base size of 12)