LibreOffice 25.2 Help
Mul'annoo Toorii keessaa, kabalii toorii meeshaalee gulaalii yeroo hedduu itti fayyadamtu of keessaa qaba. Click the arrow next to an icon to open a toolbar that contains additional commands. Kamshaa isa ajajawwan dabalataa of keessaa qabu banuu, xiyya sajootti aanee jiru cuqaasi.
Moves a numbered heading where the cursor is located, or selected headings, down one outline level. Moves a list paragraph where the cursor is located, or selected list paragraphs, down one list level.
Moves a numbered heading where the cursor is located, or selected headings, up one outline level. Moves a list paragraph where the cursor is located, or selected list paragraphs, up one list level.
Moves the paragraph where the cursor is located, or selected paragraphs, to after the next paragraph.
Moves the paragraph where the cursor is located, or selected paragraphs, to before the previous paragraph.
Shows or hides the character formatting of the slide headings. To change the character formatting of a heading, open the Styles window, right-click a style, and then choose Modify.
Hides all of the headings of the slides in the current slide show except for the titles of the slides. Hidden headings are indicated by a black line in front of a slide title. To show the headings, click the Show All Levels icon.
Displays the hidden headings of the slides in the current slide show. To hide all of the headings in the current slide show, except for the slide titles, click the Show Only First Level icon.
Mata duree xiqqo, mata duree filatamee dhoksa. Mata duree xiqqoo dhokataan sarara gurracha mata duree fuulduratti argamuun agarsiisa. Sadarkaa gadaanaa mata dureewwanii mul'isuuf, sajoo Qabxii xiqqoo mul'isii cuqasi.
Mata-dureewwan xixiqqoo mata-dureewwanii agarsiisa. Mata-dureewwan xixiqqoo mata-durichaa dhooksuuf, sajoo Qabxiiwwan xixiqqoo dhoksii cuqaasii.